Language Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
Chinese (Traditional) CC-BY-4.0 92% 25 97 37
Czech CC-BY-4.0 7% 316 1,728 1
Dutch CC-BY-4.0
English This translation is used for source strings. CC-BY-4.0 92% 25 117
French CC-BY-4.0 21% 268 1,342 22 62
German CC-BY-4.0 19% 273 1,481 2 43
Italian CC-BY-4.0
Polish CC-BY-4.0 15% 287 1,550 34
Russian CC-BY-4.0 8% 311 1,651 1 79
Spanish CC-BY-4.0 17% 280 1,552
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Instructions for translators

Translation for mods created by Golden Arrow#4948 on the official Voxel Tycoon Discord server

Project maintainers User avatar goldenarrow
Translation process
  • Translations can be made directly.
  • Translation suggestions can be made.
  • Any authenticated user can contribute.
  • The translation uses monolingual files.
  • The translation base language is editable.
Translation license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Source code repository local:
Repository branch master
Last remote commit Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) 7b289f5
User avatar essoduke authored a year ago
Weblate repository
Filemask uk-locale/*.strings.json
Monolingual base language file goldenarrows-united-kingdom-mod-pack/en.json
Languages 10
Source strings 341
Source words 1,728
Source characters 9,498
Hosted strings 3,410
Hosted words 17,280
Hosted characters 94,980
BR Swindon/Crewe Diesel-Hydraulic Type 4
BR 斯溫頓/克魯 - 柴油液壓 Type 4
a year ago
BR Swindon/Crewe Diesel-Hydraulic Type 4
BR 斯溫頓/克魯 - 柴油液壓 Type 4
a year ago
The newly formed Southern Railway (SR) set about continuing the electrification of suburban routes started by the LWSR and SECR.
南方鐵路公司(SR)係由 LWSR 和 SECR 為了營運郊區的電氣化路網而成立。
a year ago
The South Eastern and Chatham Railway (SECR) was actually two separate companies - the South East Railway and the London, Chatham and Dover Railway - created as a 'management committee' at the end of the 19th Century that ran trains for the two companies between Kent's ports and London.
東南和查塔姆鐵路公司(SECR 實際上是由兩家獨立的公司 - 「東南鐵路」和「倫敦,查塔姆和多佛鐵路」共同成立於 19 世紀末的「管理委員會」,專為這兩家公司在肯特港口和倫敦之間的列車提供服務。
a year ago
Running from Cornwall to England's capital, the London and South Western Railway (LSWR) had an Atlantic 'Boat Train' high-speed steam rivalry with the GWR's network. These were fast trains which met the ocean liners which had travelled from around the world before reaching the south west English shores.
倫敦和西南鐵路公司(LSWR 以「大西洋蒸氣船車聯運高速列車」運轉「康沃爾郡到英格蘭首都」的路網以對抗 GWR 的競爭。這些快速列車銜接了從世界各地前抵英國西南海岸的客輪。
a year ago
Opened in 1898, the narrow gauge Lynton & Barnstaple Railway (L&B) ran between the north Devon towns of Lynton and Barnstaple.
林頓和巴恩斯特珀爾鐵路公司(L&B)於 1898 年開業,L&B 運行於林頓的北德文郡和巴恩斯特珀爾之間。
a year ago
The largest of the Big Four railway companies, the London, Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS) was the only one of the four companies to serve England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
倫敦、米德蘭和蘇格蘭鐵路(LMS 是鐵路四大巨頭之中,唯一服務於英格蘭、北愛爾蘭、蘇格蘭和威爾斯提供服務的鐵路公司。
a year ago
At the end of the 19th Century, the Great Western Railway (GWR) had been operating for 60 years, but was fresh with change after recently switching gauges.
19 世紀末期的大西部鐵路公司(GWR)已經營運了 60 年,在更換軌距之後又更加煥然一新。
a year ago
BR Class 158
BR Класс 158
a year ago
BR Class 158
BR Класс 158
a year ago
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