
If a train has an electric engine and a non-electric engine, it will be able to run on non-electrified tracks, but the electric engine will stay off. The train will not be able to reach its full power potentiel. This is explained to the user by a warning next to the vehicle's speed on the vehicle's window.

{0} represents the total power output of a train with the unit after (e.g. "1234 kW" or "1234 Hp")

Maximum power output {0}
can't be reached due to lack of electrification
Key English Serbian State
base/size_setting_big Big Велико
base/size_setting_normal Normal Нормално
base/size_setting_small Small Мало
base/size_setting_very_big Very big Врло велико
base/size_setting_very_small Very small Врло мало
base/skip_current_order Skip current order Прескочи тренутан задатак
base/snow_spruce.plant#DisplayName Snow spruce Снежна оморика
base/sort_rows_tooltip Sort Врста
base/sort_by Sort by
base/sort_by_size By size
base/sort_by_name By name
base/sort_by_price By price
base/specify_save_name Save name: Наслов сачуване игре:
base/speed Speed Брзина
base/speed_is_limited Speed is limited to {0}
due to track curvature
Брзина је ограничена на {0}
због криве путање
base/power_is_limited Maximum power output {0}
can't be reached due to lack of electrification
base/spruce.plant#DisplayName Spruce Оморика
base/spruce_stump.plant#DisplayName Stump Пањ
base/sr.names#DisplayName Serbian Српски
base/stake_car_1.trainunit#DisplayName Stake Car Кола
base/stake_car_2.trainunit#DisplayName Stake Car II Кола II
base/stake_semi_trailer_1.carunit#DisplayName Logging semi-trailer Полуприколица за дрва
base/start_game Start Старт
base/start_new_research Start research Започни истраживање
base/start_new_research_warning Starting new research in this lab will pause the current research in progress. Do you want to proceed? Започињање новог истраживања у лабораторији ће паузирати тренутно. Да ли желите да наставите?
base/station_operation_fine_warning The platform is too short. This operation will take up to {0} more time. Платформа је прекратка. Операција ће трајати још {0}.
base/stations Stations Станице
base/stats Stats Статистика
base/steam Steam Пара
base/steam_engine.research#Description Reciprocating heat engine that performs mechanical work using steam as its working fluid. Мотор који неизменично ради путем притиска паре.
base/steam_engine.research#DisplayName Steam engine Парни мотор
Key English Serbian State
base/pick_destination Pick a destination Изабери дестинацију
base/pick_route Pick a route Изабери руту
base/pick_vehicle_to_copy Pick vehicle to copy Изабери возило за копирање
base/pl.names#DisplayName Polish Пољски
base/plants.category#DisplayName Plants
base/platform_car_1.trainunit#DisplayName Platform Car Платформни Вагон
base/platform_car_2.trainunit#DisplayName Platform Car II Платформни Вагон II
base/play_audio_in_background Play audio in background Звук у позадини
base/playtime Playtime {0} Време играња {0}
base/please_wait Please wait… Сачекајте…
base/pln.currency#DisplayName PLN PLN - Пољски злот
base/poles.category#DisplayName Poles and pillars
base/population Population Популација
base/population_increase Population increase Повећање популације
base/power Power Снага
base/power_is_limited Maximum power output {0}
can't be reached due to lack of electrification
base/power_units Power units Јединице снаге
base/powered Powered Укључено
base/pre_signal Pre-Signal Пресигнал
base/pre_signal_info While ordinary signals simply prevent trains from entering occupied blocks, pre-signals act more like relays. They display the same indication as the next block down the track, while also protecting their own. They have three possible indications - red and green, same as a block signal, but also yellow, which is more complex but has powerful implications.

When used at junctions, pre-signals can be used to govern multiple paths. They show green when all paths are clear, yellow when one or more are occupied, and red when all are occupied. A train arriving at this signal will not proceed until the specific route it's taking through the junction has a clear block, allowing for even the most complicated track layouts to function safely.
Док обични сигнали само онемогућују возовима да уђу у заузет блок, пресигнали се понашају више као релеј. Показују исту индикацију као и блок после њих, све док штите свој. Имају три могућа индикатора - црвени и зелени као и обични блок сигнали, и жути, који је мало сложенији.

Када се користе на раскрсницама, пресигнали могу да контролишу више путања. Показују зелено када су све путање чисте, жуто када је барем једна заузета, и црвено када су све заузете. Воз који долази на раскрсницу неће наставити док се његова рута не очисти, што омогућује да се и најкомплексније путање направе са великом сигурношћу.
base/precise_mode Precise mode Прецизан режим
base/preloader_cant_load_saved_game Can't load saved game Немогуће учитати игру
base/preloader_loading_saved_game Loading saved game… Учитавање сачуване игре…
base/press.device#DisplayName Press Преса
base/prevent_business_from_closing Prevent business from closing Помогни бизнису
base/prevent_business_from_closing_days_left {0} days left {0} дана остало
base/preview_check_error_constraints should be at least {0} and square мора бити квадрат и барем {0}
base/preview_check_error_missing No preview.png found in the mod root folder У mod root фолдеру фали preview.png
base/preview_check_error_size should be under {0} треба бити испод {0}
base/preview_check_name Preview Преглед


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English Serbian
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If a train has an electric engine and a non-electric engine, it will be able to run on non-electrified tracks, but the electric engine will stay off. The train will not be able to reach its full power potentiel. This is explained to the user by a warning next to the vehicle's speed on the vehicle's window.

{0} represents the total power output of a train with the unit after (e.g. "1234 kW" or "1234 Hp")

String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
sr.strings.json, string 781