
Key English Slovak State
base/station_window_overview_targets_label Vehicles can unload Vozidlá môžu vyložiť
base/demand_oversupplied The business has no extra storage Podnik už nemá voľné miesto na uskladnenie
base/demand_oversupplied_message The price of {0} will be lower for a certain amount of time. Cena {0} sa zníži po určitom čase.
base/demand_oversupplied_warnings Oversupply warnings Upozornenia o nadpriemernom zásobovaní
base/locked_by_research available after research dostupné po vyskúmaní
base/locked_by_region available after region unlock dostupné po odomknutí regiónu
base/tutorial_mark_as_completed Mark as completed Označiť ako dokončené
base/prevent_business_from_closing_days_left {0} days left Ostáva {0} dní
base/ca.names#DisplayName Canadian Kanadské
base/ko.names#DisplayName Korean Kórejské
base/vehicle_window_details_click_to_refit Click to refit Kliknutím zmeníš typ nákladu
base/pt.names#DisplayName Portuguese Portugalské
base/selected_cargo Cargo type: {0} Druh nákladu: {0}
base/vehicle_editor_window_hold_to_apply_to_similar_units Hold {0} to apply to all Podržaním {0} aplikuješ na všetky
base/selected_cargo_auto_hint Cargo type will be determined automatically on the first load Druh nákladu sa automaticky určí pri prvom naložení
base/se.names#DisplayName Swedish Švédske
base/settings_slow_down_on_critical_notification Reduce game speed on critical notifications Spomaliť rýchlosť hry pri kritických upozorneniach
base/rename_for Rename for {0}: Premenovať za {0}:
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_highlight_signal_blocks Highlight signal blocks Zvýrazniť bloky návestidiel
base/czk.currency#DisplayName CZK CZK
base/en_gb.names#DisplayName English anglické
base/notification_vehicle_lost_by_signal_title Vehicle is lost Vozidlo sa stratilo
base/notification_vehicle_lost_by_signal_message {0} can't find its way to a destination. Probably there's a one-way signal on the way (to make it two-way, place another signal in the same position). {0} nemôže nájsť cestu k cieľu. Pravdepodobne je v ceste jednosmerné návestidlo (Dvojsmerné návestidlo z neho môžeš spraviť, ak postavíš návestidlo na to isté políčko aj na druhú stranu trate).
base/im_lost_by_signal I'm lost (a one-way signal on the way?) Stratil som sa (jednosmerné návestidlo v ceste?)
base/station_window_storage_tab_tip The only purpose of stations is to load and unload vehicles that have arrived. When there's no vehicle, a station does nothing. Stanice slúžia iba na nakladanie a vykladanie vozidiel. Ak na nej nie je žiadne vozidlo, stanica nič nerobí.
base/horn_volume Horn volume Hlasitosť klaksónu
base/data_privacy_button_name Data collection settings Nastavenia zberu dát
base/data_privacy_button_value Open Odkryté
base/tow_to_depot_tooltip Tow vehicle to {0} for {1} Odtiahnuť vozidlo z {0} do {1}
base/send_to_nearest_depot Send to the nearest depot Poslať do najbližšieho depa
base/send_to_selected_depot Send to the selected depot Poslať do zvoleného depa
Key English Slovak State
base/route_suggested_name_format {0} to {1} {0} do {1}
base/rsd.currency#DisplayName RSD RSD
base/ru.names#DisplayName Russian Ruské
base/rub.currency#DisplayName RUB RUB
base/running_cost Running costs Cena prevádzky
base/sand.item#DisplayName Sand Piesok
base/sand.mine#DisplayName Sand quarry Piesočný lom
base/savanna.biome#DisplayName Savanna Savana
base/save_already_exists Save with the same name already exists. Hra s týmto menom už existuje.
base/save_game Save game Uložiť hru
base/save_load_window_incompatible_warning This game was saved from incompatible version of the game and can't be loaded. Táto hra bola uložená z nekompatibilnej verzie hry a nie je možné ju načítať.
base/save_route Create new route from current schedule Vytvoriť novú trasu z tohto plánu cesty
base/schedule Schedule Plán cesty
base/schedule_traverse_order_back_and_forth_description Traverse stops from the top of the schedule to the bottom, and then back from the bottom to the top.
Useful for passenger routes.
Prejde zastávky zvrchu plánu cesty nadol, a potom späť zdola navrch.
Užitočné pre trasy pre cestujúcich.
base/schedule_traverse_order_default_description Traverse stops from the top of the schedule to the bottom. After the bottom is reached, continue from the top. Prejde zastávky zvrchu cestu plány nadol. Po dosiahnutí spodku, pokračuje zvrchu.
base/se.names#DisplayName Swedish Švédske
base/sec s s
base/sek.currency#DisplayName SEK SEK
base/selected_cargo Cargo type: {0} Druh nákladu: {0}
base/selected_cargo_auto_hint Cargo type will be determined automatically on the first load Druh nákladu sa automaticky určí pri prvom naložení
base/sell Sell Predať
base/sell_for_confirmation Sell {0} for {1}? Predať {0} za {1}?
base/sell_n_vehicles_for Sell {0} vehicles for {1}? Predať {0} vozidiel za {1}?
base/semaphore.chainrailsignal#DisplayName Pre-Semaphore Mechanická predzvesť
base/semaphore.railsignal#DisplayName Semaphore Mechanické návestidlo
base/semaphore_signals.category#DisplayName Semaphore signals Mechanické návestidlá
base/send_to_depot Send to depot Pošli do depa
base/send_to_depot_tooltip Send vehicle to {0} Poslať vozidlo do {0}
base/send_to_garage Send to garage Pošli do garáže
base/send_to_nearest_depot Send to the nearest depot Poslať do najbližšieho depa


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New translation

Voxel Tycoon / BaseSlovak

3 years ago
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English Slovak
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3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
sk.strings.json, string 1454