
{0} settlement received {1} status.
Key English Slovak State
base/n_vehicles_selected {0} vehicles selected {0} zvolených vozidiel
base/never Never Nikdy
base/new_buildings New buildings Nové budovy
base/new_game New game Nová hra
base/new_messages New messages Nové správy
base/nl.names#DisplayName Dutch Holandské
base/no No Nie
base/no_power No power Bez prúdu
base/no_powered_units Not enough power Nedostatok výkonu
base/no_saves_placeholder There's no saved games yet Zatiaľ nie je žiadna uložená hra
base/nok.currency#DisplayName NOK NOK
base/not_enough_money Not enough money Nedostatok peňazí
base/nothing_found Nothing found Nič sa nenašlo
base/nothing_to_buy There's nothing to buy yet Zatiaľ sa nič nedá kúpiť
base/nothing_to_mine_here build on a suitable deposit postav na vhodnom ložisku
base/notification_city_status_changed_message {0} settlement received {1} status. Obec {0} získala postavenie {1}.
base/notification_city_status_changed_title Citizens are celebrating! Obyvatelia oslavujú!
base/notification_demand_saved_message Regular supply is essential for the business to maintain growth. Pravidelné zásobovanie je nevyhnutné pre rast podniku.
base/notification_demand_saved_title Bankruptcy avoided Podnik sa vyhol bankrotu
base/notification_deposit_depleting_message Deposit has been depleted by {0}. Ložisko bolo vyčerpané na {0}.
base/notification_deposit_depleting_title {0} {0}
base/notification_research_completed_message Congratulations! Research <b>{0}</b> completed! Blahoželáme! Výskum <b>{0}</b> bol dokončený!
base/notification_research_completed_title Research completed! Výskum bol dokončený!
base/notification_vehicle_lost_message {0} can't find its way to a destination. {0} nemôže nájsť cestu k cieľu.
base/notification_vehicle_lost_title Vehicle is lost Vozidlo je stratené
base/notification_vehicle_unpowered_message {0} is trying to move through non-electrified section. {0} sa pokúša prejsť sekciou bez elektriky.
base/notification_vehicle_unpowered_title Vehicle missing energy supply Vozidlu chýba zásoba energie
base/notification_vehicle_wrecked_message {0} is wrecked now. {0} je teraz zničené.
base/notification_vehicle_wrecked_title Vehicle accident has occurred! Stala sa nehoda!
base/occupied_by_vehicle Occupied by vehicle Obsadené vozidlom
base/off Off Vypnuté
Key English Slovak State
base/next_bridge_hotkey Next bridge Zmeniť typ mostu
base/next_track_hotkey Next track Ďalšia skladba
base/next_tunnel_hotkey Next tunnel Zmeniť typ tunelu
base/next_view_hotkey Next view Ďalší pohľad
base/nl.names#DisplayName Dutch Holandské
base/no No Nie
base/no_power No power Bez prúdu
base/no_powered_units Not enough power Nedostatok výkonu
base/no_saves_placeholder There's no saved games yet Zatiaľ nie je žiadna uložená hra
base/nok.currency#DisplayName NOK NOK
base/not_enough_money Not enough money Nedostatok peňazí
base/not_suitable_for_depot Not suitable for this depot Nie je vhodné pre toto depo
base/nothing_found Nothing found Nič sa nenašlo
base/nothing_to_buy There's nothing to buy yet Zatiaľ sa nič nedá kúpiť
base/nothing_to_mine_here build on a suitable deposit postav na vhodnom ložisku
base/notification_city_status_changed_message {0} settlement received {1} status. Obec {0} získala postavenie {1}.
base/notification_city_status_changed_title Citizens are celebrating! Obyvatelia oslavujú!
base/notification_company_bankruptcy_avoided_message Don't let your company have a negative balance. Nedovoľ svojej spoločnosti mať negatívny zostatok.
base/notification_company_bankruptcy_avoided_title Company bankruptcy avoided Vyhol si sa bankrotu spoločnosti
base/notification_company_bankruptcy_critical_message Make some money, or your company will become bankrupt next month. Zarob nejaké peniaze, alebo tvoja spoločnosť budúci mesiac zbankrotuje.
base/notification_company_bankruptcy_critical_title Risk of company bankruptcy! Riziko bankrotu spoločnosti!
base/notification_company_bankruptcy_warning Negative balance for a month Negatívny zostatok na mesiac
base/notification_company_bankruptcy_warning_message Make some money, or your company will become bankrupt in {0} months. Zarob nejaké peniaze, alebo tvoja spoločnosť zbankrotuje o {0} mesiac/-e.
base/notification_demand_saved_message Regular supply is essential for the business to maintain growth. Pravidelné zásobovanie je nevyhnutné pre rast podniku.
base/notification_demand_saved_title Bankruptcy avoided Podnik sa vyhol bankrotu
base/notification_deposit_depleting_message Deposit has been depleted by {0}. Ložisko bolo vyčerpané na {0}.
base/notification_deposit_depleting_title {0} {0}
base/notification_first_supply_message {0} has received the first supply of {1}. {0} obdržalo prvú dodávku položky {1}.
base/notification_first_supply_title We have a deal! Dohodli sme sa!
base/notification_headquarters_can_upgrade_message Visit the headquarters to upgrade it and get more profitable contracts. Navštív svoju centrálu, aby si ju vylepšil a získal tým výnosnejšie zmluvy.


User avatar Jurajojo

Translation changed

Voxel Tycoon / BaseSlovak

{0} settlement received {1} status.
Sídlo {0} obdržalo statusObec {0} získala postavenie {1}.
4 years ago
User avatar Jurajojo

Translation changed

Voxel Tycoon / BaseSlovak

{0} settlement received {1} status.
Územnosprávna jednotkaSídlo {0} obdržalao status {1}.
4 years ago
User avatar Jurajojo

Suggestion accepted

Voxel Tycoon / BaseSlovak

{0} settlement received {1} status.
SídloÚzemnosprávna jednotka {0} obdržaloa status {1}.
4 years ago
User avatar Jurajojo

Suggestion added

Voxel Tycoon / BaseSlovak

{0} settlement received {1} status.
Územnosprávna jednotka {0} obdržala status {1}.
4 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Slovak
settlement obec Voxel Tycoon
status postavenie Voxel Tycoon

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
sk.strings.json, string 506