
Add stop
Key English Slovak State
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step Now connect your stations with a road. Teraz spoj svoje stanice cestou.
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step_1 Select {0} / {1} in the toolbar to see the available types of road Zvoľ {0} / {1} na paneli nástrojov, aby si uvidel dostupné typy ciest
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step_2 Select {0} from the opened window V otvorenom okne zvoľ {0}
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step_3 Click on the road end near one of stations to start laying a road Klikni na koniec cesty pri jednej zo staníc, aby si začal stavať cestu
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step_4 Click on the road end near the other station to build it Klikni na koniec cesty pri druhej stanici, aby si ju postavil
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step_5 To cancel the road laying process, press {0} or {1}. Aby si zrušil proces stavania cesty, stlač {0} alebo {1}.
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step_title Connect station with a road Spoj stanicu s cestou
base/tutorials_getting_started_final_step Now that you have your first customer supply set up, you can focus on other demands in your region. Teraz, keď už máš zásobuješ prvého zákazníka, sa môžeš zamerať na ostatné požiadavky tvojho regiónu.
base/tutorials_getting_started_final_step_1 Satisfy city demands to make its economy grow, which will lead to increased purchasing power and new customers opening there. Uspokoj požiadavky mesta, aby sa jeho ekonomika rozrástla, aby sa zvýšila kúpna sila a aby sa tam otvorili nové podniky.
base/tutorials_getting_started_final_step_2 Research new technologies, build factories to produce more complex products, and purchase access to new territories to grow the {0} empire. Vyskúmaj nové technológie, stavaj továrne na výrobu komplexných produktov, a kupuj si prístup k novým teritóriám, aby si rozrástol ríšu {0}.
base/tutorials_getting_started_final_step_3 Good luck! Veľa šťastia!
base/tutorials_getting_started_final_step_title Congratulations! Gratulujeme!
base/tutorials_getting_started_setup_truck_step Now let's give your new truck it's orders. Teraz poďme dať tvojmu novému nákladnému automobilu príkazy.
base/tutorials_getting_started_setup_truck_step_1 Click on the truck in the garage window to open the vehicle window Klikni na nákladný automobil v okne garáže, aby si otvoril okno vozidla
base/tutorials_getting_started_setup_truck_step_2 Click on the green {0} button at the bottom to add the first stop Klikni na zelené tlačidlo {0} na spodku, aby si pridal prvú zastávku
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop Add stop Pridaj zastávku
base/tutorials_getting_started_setup_truck_step_3 Click on the station near the mine and select the {0} task Klikni na stanicu pri ťažobnom zariadení a zvoľ príkaz {0}
base/tutorials_getting_started_setup_truck_step_4 Click on the {0} at the bottom, then click on the station near the customer, but this time select {1} task Klikni na tlačidlo {0} naspodku, potom klikni na stanicu pri zákazníkovi, ale tentokrát zvoľ príkaz {1}
base/tutorials_getting_started_setup_truck_step_5 Click on the green {0} button to stop editing the schedule Klikni na zelené tlačidlo {0} naspodku, aby si prestal upravovať plán cesty
base/tutorials_getting_started_setup_truck_step_6 Click on the red toggle at the window header to release the truck from the garage Klikni na červený spínač v hlavičke okna, aby si vypustil vozidlo z garáže
base/tutorials_getting_started_setup_truck_step_9 You can hold {0} to add multiple stops at once. Podržaním tlačidla {0} môžeš pridať viac zastávok naraz.
base/tutorials_getting_started_welcome_step This tutorial will guide you through the basics real quick. Tento tutoriál ťa rýchlo prevedie základmi hry.
base/tutorials_getting_started_welcome_step_1 You can stop the tutorial and get back to it at anytime by clicking the {0} button above (the one with the book). Tutoriál môžeš kedykoľvek prerušiť a vrátiť sa k nemu kliknutím na horné tlačidlo {0} (to s knihou).
base/tutorials Tutorials Tutoriály
base/tutorials_getting_started_welcome_step_title Welcome to Voxel Tycoon! Vitaj v hre Voxel Tycoon!
base/tutorials_getting_started_getting_started_tutorial_description Learn how to start mining, deliver, and sell resources to customers. Nauč sa, ako začať ťažiť, dovážať, a predávať zdroje zákazníkom.
base/tutorials_getting_started_getting_started_tutorial_title Getting started Prvé kroky
base/tutorials_getting_started_setup_truck_step_title Set up a schedule Zaveď plán cesty
base/notification_company_bankruptcy_avoided_title Company bankruptcy avoided Vyhol si sa bankrotu spoločnosti
base/notification_company_bankruptcy_avoided_message Don't let your company have a negative balance. Nedovoľ svojej spoločnosti mať negatívny zostatok.
base/notification_company_bankruptcy_critical_title Risk of company bankruptcy! Riziko bankrotu spoločnosti!
Key English Slovak State
base/vehicle_station_overview_split_by_destination Split by destination Rozdeliť podľa cieľa cesty
base/vehicle_station_stats_items_processed Cargo processed Spracovaného tovaru
base/vehicle_station_stats_vehicles_serviced Vehicles serviced Obslúžených vozidiel
base/vehicle_unit_picker_multiple_mode_tooltip Add many units while holding <b>SHIFT</b> Pridaj viac jednotiek podržaním <b>SHIFT</b>
base/vehicle_unit_picker_multiple_mode_tooltip_2 Release <b>SHIFT</b> to add units: Prestaň držať <b>SHIFT</b> na pridanie jetnotiek:
base/vehicle_unit_picker_placeholder Nothing found for filters set.
Try to loosen search criteria a bit.
S týmito filtrami sa nič nenašlo.
Skús niektoré filtre vynechať.
base/vehicle_unit_picker_reset_filters Reset filters Obnoviť filtre
base/vehicle_unprofitable_warnings_frequency Unprofitable warnings Upozornenia o neziskových vozidlách
base/vehicle_unprofitable_warnings_frequency_30_days Every 30 days Každých 30 dní
base/vehicle_unprofitable_warnings_frequency_60_days Every 60 days Každých 60 dní
base/vehicle_unprofitable_warnings_frequency_never Never Nikdy
base/vehicle_window_details_click_to_refit Click to refit Kliknutím zmeníš typ nákladu
base/vehicle_window_details_unit_storage_count {0} of {1} {0} z {1}
base/vehicle_window_mute_unprofitable_notifications Mute unprofitable notifications Vypnúť upozornenia o nezarábajúcich vozidlách
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_order Add order Pridať príkaz
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop Add stop Pridaj zastávku
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_go_to Go to Choď do
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_go_to_description Build your own list of orders Zaveď svoj vlastný zoznam príkazov
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_transfer Transfer Prelož
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_transfer_description Unload and then load available cargo or passengers at a destination Vylož a potom nalož dostupný tovar alebo cestujúcich v destinácii
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_waypoint Waypoint Cestovný bod
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_waypoint_description Go through a destination without stop Choď cez destináciu bez zastavenia
base/vehicle_window_schedule_behavior_default Default Obyčajný
base/vehicle_window_schedule_behavior_default_description Just execute orders as usual Proste vykoná príkazy ako obvykle
base/vehicle_window_schedule_behavior_non_stop Non-stop Non-stop
base/vehicle_window_schedule_behavior_non_stop_description Ignore all orders and go through the station non-stop Odignoruje všetky príkazy a cez stanicu pôjde bez zastavenia
base/vehicle_window_schedule_custom_behavior Custom behavior Vlastné správanie
base/vehicle_window_schedule_full Full Plný
base/vehicle_window_schedule_non_stop Non-stop Non-stop
base/vehicle_window_schedule_ok_button Ok Ok


User avatar Jurajojo

New translation

Voxel Tycoon / BaseSlovak

Add stop
Pridaj zastávku
3 years ago
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English Slovak
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
Translation file
sk.strings.json, string 1257