
Key English Slovak State
base/currency Currency Mena
base/current_loan Current loan {0} Súčasná pôžička {0}
base/current_month Current month Tento mesiac
base/de.names#DisplayName German Nemecké
base/deciduous_forest.biome#DisplayName Deciduous forest Listnatý les
base/base.chainrailsignal#DisplayName Pre-Signal Predzvestné svetelné návestidlo
base/base.railsignal#DisplayName Signal Svetelné návestidlo
base/demand_closed Business went bankrupt Podnik zbankrotoval
base/demand_closed_message {0} doesn't accept {1} anymore. {0} už neprijíma {1}.
base/demand_closing Business on the verge of bankruptcy Podnik je na pokraji bankrotu
base/demand_closing_message Supply {0} with {1} to prevent business from closing. Zásobuj {0} s {1}, aby sa podnik nezatvoril.
base/demand_decreased Demand decreased! Dopyt bol znížený!
base/demand_decreased_message Business has difficulties with the supply. {0} now accepts less {1}. Podnik má problémy so zásobovaním. {0} teraz akceptuje menej {1}.
base/demand_increased Demand increased! Dopyt bol zvýšený!
base/demand_increased_message Thanks to regular supplies business grew. {0} now accepts more {1}. Vďaka pravidelnému zásobovaniu sa podnik rozšíril. {0} teraz akceptuje viac {1}.
base/demand_level Level Úroveň
base/demand_spawned New point of sale! Nové miesto predaja!
base/demand_spawned_message {0} now accepts {1}. {0} teraz prijíma {1}.
base/demands Demands Dopyty
base/demands_limit Demands limit Obmedzenie dopytov
base/deposits Deposits Ložiská
base/depot_buy_button Buy Kúpiť
base/depot_cant_serve_vehicle_type This depot can't accommodate vehicles of this type Toto depo nie je určené pre tento typ vozidiel
base/depot_copy_button Copy Kopírovať
base/depot_release_all_button Release all Pustiť všetky
base/depot_sell_all_button Sell all Predať všetky
base/depot_was_destroyed Depot was destroyed! Depo bolo zničené!
base/depot_was_destroyed_message The depot the vehicle was moving to was destroyed. Depo, do ktorého vozidlo mierilo, bolo zničené.
base/depot_window_placeholder There are no vehicles in here Toto depo je prázdne
base/depots Depots Depá
base/deselect Deselect Zrušiť voľbu
Key English Slovak State
base/demand_card_consumed_tooltip Shows business monthly consumption/demand.

Consumes {0} items from storage every day to work properly.

Resets on the first day of the month.
Ukáže mesačnú konzumpciu a požiadavky podniku.

Konzumuje {0} položiek zo skladu každý deň pre správnu výrobu.

Obnovuje sa v prvý deň mesiaca.
base/demand_card_grade_tooltip Supply business demand with the required amount of cargo to keep it running.

It’s important to not oversupply business needs, otherwise, the price will go lower.
Dodávaj podniku požadované množstvo požadovaných položiek, aby nezbankrotoval.

Je dôležité, aby si podniku nedodával priveľa požadovaných položiek, inak sa zníži cena.
base/demand_card_in_storage In storage V sklade
base/demand_card_price_delta_tooltip Change for the last {0} days Zmena za posledných {0} dní
base/demand_card_stats_delivered Delivered Dodaných
base/demand_card_stats_level_tooltip Demand can't upgrade to the next level because its satisfaction is less than {0} Dopyt nemôže zvýšiť úroveň, lebo je splnený na menej ako {0}
base/demand_card_warning_tooltip Storage reached its maximum capacity in the last {0} days so demand was oversupplied.

The price will be lower for a certain amount of time.
Sklad dosiahol prílišným dodávaním požadovaných položiek svoju maximálnu kapacitu v posledných {0} dňoch.

Cena položky bude na určitý čas znížená.
base/demand_closed Business went bankrupt Podnik zbankrotoval
base/demand_closed_message {0} doesn't accept {1} anymore. {0} už neprijíma {1}.
base/demand_closing Business on the verge of bankruptcy Podnik je na pokraji bankrotu
base/demand_closing_message Supply {0} with {1} to prevent business from closing. Zásobuj {0} s {1}, aby sa podnik nezatvoril.
base/demand_decreased Demand decreased! Dopyt bol znížený!
base/demand_decreased_message Business has difficulties with the supply. {0} now accepts less {1}. Podnik má problémy so zásobovaním. {0} teraz akceptuje menej {1}.
base/demand_increased Demand increased! Dopyt bol zvýšený!
base/demand_increased_message Thanks to regular supplies business grew. {0} now accepts more {1}. Vďaka pravidelnému zásobovaniu sa podnik rozšíril. {0} teraz akceptuje viac {1}.
base/demand_level Level Úroveň
base/demand_oversupplied The business has no extra storage Podnik už nemá voľné miesto na uskladnenie
base/demand_oversupplied_message The price of {0} will be lower for a certain amount of time. Cena {0} sa zníži po určitom čase.
base/demand_oversupplied_warnings Oversupply warnings Upozornenia o nadpriemernom zásobovaní
base/demand_spawned New point of sale! Nové miesto predaja!
base/demand_spawned_message {0} now accepts {1}. {0} teraz prijíma {1}.
base/demand_warnings_level Business warnings Upozornenia o podnikoch
base/demand_warnings_level_all All businesses Všetky podniky
base/demand_warnings_level_none Do not warn Žiadne upozornenia
base/demand_warnings_level_supplied_only Supplied only Iba zásobované
base/demands Demands Dopyty
base/demands_limit Demands limit Obmedzenie dopytov
base/deposits Deposits Ložiská
base/depot_buy_button Buy Kúpiť
base/depot_cant_serve_vehicle_type This depot can't accommodate vehicles of this type Toto depo nie je určené pre tento typ vozidiel
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Voxel Tycoon/Base
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
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Translated Voxel Tycoon/Base
Translated Voxel Tycoon/Voxel Tycoon


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English Slovak
Level Úroveň Voxel Tycoon

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
sk.strings.json, string 164