
3 months
Key English Slovak State
base/city_grade_average Average Priemerné
base/city_grade_good Good Dobré
base/city_grade_excellent Excellent Vynikajúce
base/city_type_industrial Industrial Priemyselné
base/city_type_tourist Tourist Turistické
base/city_type_mixed Mixed Zmiešané
base/signal_difficulty_all All Všetky
base/signal_difficulty_semaphores_only Semaphores only Iba mechanické návestidlá
base/wood.mine#DisplayName Sawmill Píla
base/wood_2.mine#DisplayName Sawmill Píla
base/waypoint.roadstation#DisplayName Waypoint Cestovný bod
base/waypoint.railstation#DisplayName Waypoint Cestovný bod
base/mods Mods Modifikácie
base/early_access Early access Predbežný prístup
base/open_tech_tree Open tech tree Otvoriť technologický strom
base/bankruptcy_difficulty_normal 3 months 3 mesiace
base/bankruptcy_difficulty_disabled Disabled Vypnuté
base/base.conveyorfilter#DisplayName Filter Filter
base/remaining_company_value_tooltip Remaining value: {0} Zostávajúca hodnota spoločnosti: {0}
base/savanna.biome#DisplayName Savanna Savana
base/acacia.plant#DisplayName Acacia Akácia
base/acacia_2.plant#DisplayName Acacia Akácia
base/rock.plant#DisplayName Rock Kameň
base/rock_2.plant#DisplayName Rock Kameň
base/rock_3.plant#DisplayName Rock Kameň
base/tutorials_window_description Choose a tutorial that you would like to explore. You can continue from where you left off or revisit already completed tutorials at any time. Vyber si tutoriál, ktorý si chceš pozrieť. Vždy sa môžeš vrátiť tam, kde si skončil, alebo si znovu pozrieť už ukončený tutoriál.
base/one_way_signal One-way Jednosmerné
base/two_way_signal Two-way Obojsmerné
base/rail_depot_default_name Depot Depo
base/road_depot_default_name Garage Garáž
base/unknown_station Unknown station Neznáma stanica
Key English Slovak State
base/assign_route Assign route Priradiť trasu
base/au.names#DisplayName Australian Austrálske
base/aud.currency#DisplayName AUD AUD
base/audio Audio Zvuk
base/autosave Autosave Automaticky uložené
base/autosave_interval Autosave interval Rozmedzie automatického ukladania
base/autumn_spruce.plant#DisplayName Spruce Smrek
base/autumn_stump.plant#DisplayName Stump Peň
base/autumn_stump_2.plant#DisplayName Stump Peň
base/autumn_tree.plant#DisplayName Tree Strom
base/autumn_tree_2.plant#DisplayName Tree Strom
base/autumn_tree_3.plant#DisplayName Tree Strom
base/autumn_tree_4.plant#DisplayName Tree Strom
base/available_items Available in warehouses Dostupné v skladoch
base/bankruptcy_difficulty_disabled Disabled Vypnuté
base/bankruptcy_difficulty_normal 3 months 3 mesiace
base/base.chainrailsignal#DisplayName Pre-Signal Predzvestné svetelné návestidlo
base/base.cityhall#DisplayName Town hall Radnica
base/base.conveyorfilter#DisplayName Filter Filter
base/base.lab#DisplayName Laboratory Laboratórium
base/base.railsignal#DisplayName Signal Svetelné návestidlo
base/ Store Obchod
base/base.warehouse#DisplayName Warehouse Sklad
base/base_2.lab#DisplayName Laboratory II Laboratórium II
base/base_pack_description Check the Mod Browser in the main menu to extend the game with a variety of community-created content Prezri si prehliadač módov v hlavnom menu, aby si svoju hru obohatil rôznym obsahom vytvoreným komunitou
base/base_pack_title Base game Základná hra
base/beam.railbridge#DisplayName Beam bridge Nosníkový most
base/beam.roadbridge#DisplayName Beam bridge Nosníkový most
base/bg.names#DisplayName Bulgarian Bulharské
base/bgn.currency#DisplayName BGN BGN


User avatar Jurajojo

New translation

Voxel Tycoon / BaseSlovak

3 months
3 mesiace
3 years ago
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English Slovak
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3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
sk.strings.json, string 1168