
Bankruptcy period
Key English Slovak State
base/base.conveyorfilter#DisplayName Filter Filter
base/remaining_company_value_tooltip Remaining value: {0} Zostávajúca hodnota spoločnosti: {0}
base/savanna.biome#DisplayName Savanna Savana
base/acacia.plant#DisplayName Acacia Akácia
base/acacia_2.plant#DisplayName Acacia Akácia
base/rock.plant#DisplayName Rock Kameň
base/rock_2.plant#DisplayName Rock Kameň
base/rock_3.plant#DisplayName Rock Kameň
base/tutorials_window_description Choose a tutorial that you would like to explore. You can continue from where you left off or revisit already completed tutorials at any time. Vyber si tutoriál, ktorý si chceš pozrieť. Vždy sa môžeš vrátiť tam, kde si skončil, alebo si znovu pozrieť už ukončený tutoriál.
base/one_way_signal One-way Jednosmerné
base/two_way_signal Two-way Obojsmerné
base/rail_depot_default_name Depot Depo
base/road_depot_default_name Garage Garáž
base/unknown_station Unknown station Neznáma stanica
base/difficulty_setting_passenger_spawn_rate Passenger spawn rate Frekvencia cestujúcich
base/difficulty_setting_bankruptcy_period Bankruptcy period Čas do bankrotu
base/difficulty_setting_signals Signals available from start Svetelné návestidlá dostupné od začiatku
base/mine_mining_in_progress_state Mining in progress Prebieha ťažba
base/mine_mining_paused_state Mining paused Ťažba je pozastavená
base/mine_waiting_for_storage_state Storage is full Sklad je plný
base/mine_deposit_depleted_state Deposit depleted Ložisko bolo vyčerpané
base/mine_deposit_depleted_by Depleted by {0} Bude vyčerpané do {0}
base/mine_deposit_items_left {0} left Zostáva {0}
base/lab_default_name Laboratory Laboratórium
base/setting_right_click_to_cancel Right click to cancel Kliknutím pravého tlačidla myši zruš
base/supervisor Supervisor Vedúci
base/resources_mined Resources mined Vyťažené zdroje
base/logistics Logistics Logistika
base/manager Manager Manažér
base/items_stored Items stored Uskladnené položky
base/demand_warnings_level Business warnings Upozornenia o podnikoch
Key English Slovak State
base/diesel_engine_8.trainunit#DisplayName DB Class V 60 DB Rad V 60
base/diesel_engine_9.trainunit#DisplayName DB Class 218 DB Rad 218
base/diesel_flatbed_truck_1.carunit#DisplayName LP 1620 LP 1620
base/diesel_flatbed_truck_3.carunit#DisplayName L 8000 L 8000
base/diesel_stake_truck_1.carunit#DisplayName LP 1620 LP 1620
base/diesel_stake_truck_3.carunit#DisplayName L 8000 L 8000
base/diesel_tank_truck_1.carunit#DisplayName LP 1620 LP 1620
base/diesel_tank_truck_3.carunit#DisplayName L 8000 L 8000
base/diesel_trains.research#DisplayName Diesel trains Naftové vlaky
base/diesel_trains_2.research#DisplayName Diesel trains II Naftové vlaky II
base/diesel_trains_3.research#DisplayName Diesel trains III Naftové vlaky III
base/diesel_truck_1.carunit#DisplayName Lorry Kamión
base/diesel_truck_2.carunit#DisplayName TGA TGA
base/difficulty_setting_all_research_completed All research complete Všetok výskum dokončený
base/difficulty_setting_all_research_completed_description Start the game with all the technological research already completed Začni hru už s dokončeným všetkým technologickým výskumom
base/difficulty_setting_bankruptcy_period Bankruptcy period Čas do bankrotu
base/difficulty_setting_demand_multiplier Volume of demand Objem dopytu
base/difficulty_setting_demands_never_close Everlasting demands Večné dopyty
base/difficulty_setting_demands_never_close_description Businesses won't close even if their demands are not met over a long period of time Podniky sa nikdy nezatvoria, a to ani v prípade, že ich dopyt nebude naplnený
base/difficulty_setting_deposit_capacity_multiplier Deposit richness Bohatosť náleziska
base/difficulty_setting_deposits_never_deplete Infinite resources Nevyčerpateľné zdroje
base/difficulty_setting_deposits_never_deplete_description Resource deposits in your world never run out Zdroje v tvojom svete sa nikdy nevyčerpajú
base/difficulty_setting_disable_trains_turn_around No turnaround on the spot Žiadny obrat na mieste
base/difficulty_setting_disable_trains_turn_around_description Non-shuttle trains should use turnaround loops or backup slowly, adding a layer of realism and complexity Vlaky bez funkcie kyvadlovej dopravy musia použiť obratové slučky alebo pomaly vycúvať, čo pridá vrstvu realizmu a zložitosti
base/difficulty_setting_easy Easy Ľahká
base/difficulty_setting_hard Hard Ťažká
base/difficulty_setting_income_multiplier Value of goods Hodnota tovaru
base/difficulty_setting_infinite_money Unlimited money Nekonečno peňazí
base/difficulty_setting_infinite_money_description Unleash your creativity and ambitions with limitless financial resources at your disposal Nechaj svoju kreativitu a ambície vyniknúť s neobmedzenými finančnými zdrojmi
base/difficulty_setting_inflation_multiplier Inflation Inflácia


User avatar Jurajojo

New translation

Voxel Tycoon / BaseSlovak

Bankruptcy period
Čas do bankrotu
3 years ago
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English Slovak
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String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
sk.strings.json, string 1185