
Key English Italian State
base/multiple_mode Multiple mode Selezione multipla
base/vehicle_schedule_traverse_order_default Default Predefinito
base/vehicle_schedule_traverse_order_back_and_forth Back and forth Avanti e indietro
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_multiple_mode Multiple mode Selezione multipla
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_spacing Spacing Spaziatura
base/settings_rail_signal_builder_tool_hotkeys Signal placement mode Modalità posizionamento segnali
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_multiple_mode_hotkey Toggle multiple mode Attiva/disattiva selezione multipla
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_decrease_spacing_hotkey Decrease spacing Diminuisci distanza
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_increase_spacing_hotkey Increase spacing Aumenta distanza
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_signal_distance Distance to nearby signals Distanza dai segnali vicini
base/city_grade_awful Awful Grave
base/city_grade_bad Bad Insufficiente
base/city_grade_average Average Nella media
base/city_grade_good Good Buono
base/city_grade_excellent Excellent Eccellente
base/city_type_industrial Industrial Industriale
base/city_type_tourist Tourist Turistica
base/city_type_mixed Mixed Mista
base/signal_difficulty_all All Tutti
base/signal_difficulty_semaphores_only Semaphores only Solo segnali ad ala
base/wood.mine#DisplayName Sawmill Segheria
base/wood_2.mine#DisplayName Sawmill Segheria
base/waypoint.roadstation#DisplayName Waypoint Waypoint
base/waypoint.railstation#DisplayName Waypoint Waypoint
base/mods Mods Mod
base/early_access Early access Accesso anticipato
base/open_tech_tree Open tech tree Apri albero tecnologico
base/bankruptcy_difficulty_normal 3 months 3 mesi
base/bankruptcy_difficulty_disabled Disabled Disabilitato
base/base.conveyorfilter#DisplayName Filter Filtro
base/remaining_company_value_tooltip Remaining value: {0} Valore rimanente: {0}
Key English Italian State
base/church.decoration#DisplayName Church Chiesa
base/church_2.decoration#DisplayName Church Chiesa
base/circuit.item#DisplayName Circuit Circuiti
base/circular_saw.device#DisplayName Circular saw Sega circolare
base/cities Cities Città
base/city City Città
base/city_grade_average Average Nella media
base/city_grade_awful Awful Grave
base/city_grade_bad Bad Insufficiente
base/city_grade_excellent Excellent Eccellente
base/city_grade_good Good Buono
base/city_names City names Nomi delle città
base/city_names_description Also defines what names will be used for station appendices, etc. Definisce anche la tipologia di nomi impiegati come appendici per le stazioni, etc.
base/ City origin Origine della città
base/city_type Type Tipologia
base/city_type_industrial Industrial Industriale
base/city_type_industrial_tooltip Demand limit: +{0}

Supplying demands has a greater effect on the settlement growth than transporting passengers.
Limite di domande commerciali: +{0}

La vendita di merci influisce maggiormente sulla crescita degli insediamenti rispetto al trasporto passeggeri.
base/city_type_mixed Mixed Mista
base/city_type_mixed_tooltip Supplying demands and transporting passengers has the same effect on the settlement growth. La vendita di merci e il trasporto passeggeri contribuiscono in egual misura alla crescita degli insediamenti.
base/city_type_tourist Tourist Turistica
base/city_type_tourist_tooltip Passenger spawn rate: +{0}%

Transporting passengers has a greater effect on the settlement growth than supplying demands.
Tasso di spawn passeggeri: +{0}%

Il trasporto passeggeri influisce maggiormente sulla crescita degli insediamenti rispetto alla vendita di merci.
base/city_window_overview_delta_tooltip Change for the last {0} days Variazione negli ultimi {0} giorni
base/city_window_overview_economy Supply businesses with the required goods to keep the settlement economy in good health.

Undersupplying will hurt businesses' operations and therefore affect the economy of the whole settlement.
Fornisci le imprese con i beni richiesti per mantenere in buona salute l'economia degli insediamenti.

Rifornimenti insufficienti danneggeranno le imprese, influenzando negativamente l'economia dell'intero insediamento.
base/city_window_overview_growth Growth Crescita
base/city_window_overview_growth_tooltip Settlement grows every {0} days.

Settlement starts to develop rapidly when all its needs well satisfied for a period of time.

Bigger settlement means more business will open there, and more passengers would like to travel.
L'insediamento cresce ogni {0} giorni.

L'insediamento inizia a svilupparsi rapidamente quando tutte le sue esigenze vengono soddisfatte per un certo periodo di tempo.

Più un insediamento si espande, più aziende dovranno essere rifornite e maggiore sarà il numero di pendolari.
base/city_window_overview_passengers Passengers Passeggeri
base/city_window_overview_passengers_coverage Coverage Copertura
base/city_window_overview_passengers_tooltip All passengers of the settlement have their own desired destinations.

Transfer people where they need to get on regular basis, and this aspect of the settlement will stay in the green zone.
Tutti i passeggeri dell'insediamento devono raggiungere destinazioni diverse.

Trasporta regolarmente i pendolari dove desiderano per far sì che l'indicatore diventi verde.
base/city_window_overview_tab_economy_card Fund new business Finanzia nuove imprese
base/click_to_rename Click to rename Clicca per rinominare


User avatar Fredrik_Leftin

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Voxel Tycoon / BaseItalian

3 years ago
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
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it.strings.json, string 1156