
Traverse order: {0}
Key English Italian State
base/vehicle_window_schedule_behavior_non_stop Non-stop Non-stop
base/vehicle_window_schedule_behavior_non_stop_description Ignore all orders and go through the station non-stop Ignora tutti gli ordini e attraversa la stazione senza fermarti
base/vehicle_window_schedule_tab_behavior_switch_direction Switch direction Inverti direzione
base/vehicle_window_schedule_tab_behavior_execute_orders_switch_direction Execute orders, then switch direction Esegui ordini, poi inverti direzione
base/vehicle_window_schedule_tab_behavior_execute_orders_turn_around Execute orders, then force turn around Esegui gli ordini e forza l'inversione di marcia
base/vehicle_window_schedule_custom_behavior Custom behavior Comportamento personalizzato
base/vehicle_window_schedule_non_stop Non-stop Non-stop
base/vehicle_window_schedule_turn_around Switch direction Inverti direzione
base/vehicle_window_schedule_seconds_to_wait Seconds to wait: Seleziona la durata della sosta:
base/vehicle_window_schedule_tab_edit_button Edit Modifica
base/vehicle_window_schedule_full Full Full
base/vehicle_window_schedule_wait_for_full_unload Wait for full unload Attendi lo scaricamento completo
base/vehicle_window_schedule_wait_for_full_load Wait for full load Attendi il caricamento completo
base/vehicle_window_schedule_ok_button Ok Ok
base/vehicle_window_schedule_unlink_button_tooltip Switch to individual route, but keep orders Passa al percorso individuale mantenendo gli ordini
base/vehicle_window_schedule_tab_route_view_2 Traverse order: {0} Esecuzione ordini: {0}
base/vehicle_window_schedule_tab_route_view_3 Currently going from the top to the bottom Viaggio d'andata
base/vehicle_window_schedule_tab_route_view_4 Currently going from the bottom to the top Viaggio di ritorno
base/drag_to_reorder Drag to reorder Trascina e riposiziona
base/schedule_traverse_order_default_description Traverse stops from the top of the schedule to the bottom. After the bottom is reached, continue from the top. Attraversa le fermate della tabella di marcia dall'inizio alla fine. Dopo aver raggiunto il capolinea, ricomincia dal primo ordine.
base/schedule_traverse_order_back_and_forth_description Traverse stops from the top of the schedule to the bottom, and then back from the bottom to the top.
Useful for passenger routes.
Attraversa le fermate della tabella di marcia dall'inizio alla fine, per poi tornare indietro partendo dall'ultima.
Utile per le linee passeggeri.
base/waypoints Waypoints Waypoint
base/vehicles Vehicles Veicoli
base/labs Labs Laboratori
base/warehouse_window_overview_placeholder Select an item to store Seleziona un materiale da stoccare
base/in_storage In storage In magazzino
base/warehouse_window_overview_primary_button Select an item to store Seleziona un materiale da stoccare
base/continue_game Continue Continua
base/main_menu_welcome_window_title Welcome to
<b>Voxel Tycoon</b> Early Access!
Benvenuto in
<b>Voxel Tycoon</b> Accesso Anticipato!
base/main_menu_welcome_window_content_1 Thanks for joining us in our journey! Grazie per esserti unito a noi in questo viaggio!
base/main_menu_welcome_window_content_2 The game is ongoing work in progress, new features are constantly added while existing ones are changing and evolving. Expect some bugs. but that’s why it’s Early Access! Il gioco è ancora in fase di sviluppo, nuove funzionalità vengono costantemente aggiunte mentre quelle esistenti cambiano e si evolvono. Aspettati alcuni bug dato che questo è un accesso anticipato!
Key English Italian State
base/vehicle_window_schedule_behavior_default_description Just execute orders as usual Esegui gli ordini normalmente
base/vehicle_window_schedule_behavior_non_stop Non-stop Non-stop
base/vehicle_window_schedule_behavior_non_stop_description Ignore all orders and go through the station non-stop Ignora tutti gli ordini e attraversa la stazione senza fermarti
base/vehicle_window_schedule_custom_behavior Custom behavior Comportamento personalizzato
base/vehicle_window_schedule_full Full Full
base/vehicle_window_schedule_non_stop Non-stop Non-stop
base/vehicle_window_schedule_ok_button Ok Ok
base/vehicle_window_schedule_placeholder Add first stop to start setting up the route Aggiungi la prima fermata per iniziare a pianificare il percorso
base/vehicle_window_schedule_remove_order Remove order Rimuovi fermata
base/vehicle_window_schedule_save_button Save as Salva come
base/vehicle_window_schedule_seconds_to_wait Seconds to wait: Seleziona la durata della sosta:
base/vehicle_window_schedule_tab_behavior_execute_orders_switch_direction Execute orders, then switch direction Esegui ordini, poi inverti direzione
base/vehicle_window_schedule_tab_behavior_execute_orders_turn_around Execute orders, then force turn around Esegui gli ordini e forza l'inversione di marcia
base/vehicle_window_schedule_tab_behavior_switch_direction Switch direction Inverti direzione
base/vehicle_window_schedule_tab_edit_button Edit Modifica
base/vehicle_window_schedule_tab_route_view_2 Traverse order: {0} Esecuzione ordini: {0}
base/vehicle_window_schedule_tab_route_view_3 Currently going from the top to the bottom Viaggio d'andata
base/vehicle_window_schedule_tab_route_view_4 Currently going from the bottom to the top Viaggio di ritorno
base/vehicle_window_schedule_turn_around Switch direction Inverti direzione
base/vehicle_window_schedule_unlink_button_tooltip Switch to individual route, but keep orders Passa al percorso individuale mantenendo gli ordini
base/vehicle_window_schedule_wait_for_full_load Wait for full load Attendi il caricamento completo
base/vehicle_window_schedule_wait_for_full_unload Wait for full unload Attendi lo scaricamento completo
base/vehicles Vehicles Veicoli
base/video Video Video
base/view_distance View distance Distanza visiva
base/village Village Villaggio
base/visibility_settings Visibility Visibilità
base/visibility_settings_other Other Altro
base/visibiltiy_settings_profits Profits Profitti
base/vsync VSync VSync


User avatar Fredrik_Leftin

New translation

Voxel Tycoon / BaseItalian

Traverse order: {0}
Esecuzione ordini: {0}
3 years ago
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English Italian
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String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
it.strings.json, string 1389