
{0} can't find its way to a destination.
Key English French State
base/no_powered_units Not enough power Pas assez de puissance pour déplacer ce véhicule
base/no_saves_placeholder There's no saved games yet Aucune sauvegarde pour le moment
base/nok.currency#DisplayName NOK NOK - Couronne norvégienne
base/not_enough_money Not enough money Argent insuffisant
base/nothing_found Nothing found Aucun résultat
base/nothing_to_buy There's nothing to buy yet Rien à acheter pour le moment
base/nothing_to_mine_here build on a suitable deposit Construisez sur un dépot adéquat
base/notification_city_status_changed_message {0} settlement received {1} status. {0} est désormais une {1}.
base/notification_city_status_changed_title Citizens are celebrating! Les citoyens font la fête !
base/notification_demand_saved_message Regular supply is essential for the business to maintain growth. Un approvisionnement régulier est essentiel pour maintenir le développement d’une entreprise.
base/notification_demand_saved_title Bankruptcy avoided Faillite évitée
base/notification_deposit_depleting_message Deposit has been depleted by {0}. Cette ressource à été utilisée à {0}.
base/notification_deposit_depleting_title {0} {0}
base/notification_research_completed_message Congratulations! Research <b>{0}</b> completed! Félicitations ! La recherche <b>{0}</b> est terminée !
base/notification_research_completed_title Research completed! Recherche terminée !
base/notification_vehicle_lost_message {0} can't find its way to a destination. {0} ne peut pas trouver un chemin vers sa destination.
base/notification_vehicle_lost_title Vehicle is lost Véhicule perdu
base/notification_vehicle_unpowered_message {0} is trying to move through non-electrified section. {0} essaye de traverser une voie non-électrifiée.
base/notification_vehicle_unpowered_title Vehicle missing energy supply Véhicule non approvisionné en énergie
base/notification_vehicle_wrecked_message {0} is wrecked now. {0} est détruit.
base/notification_vehicle_wrecked_title Vehicle accident has occurred! Un accident est survenu !
base/occupied_by_vehicle Occupied by vehicle Occupé par un véhicule
base/off Off Désactivé
base/ok Ok Ok
base/on On Activé
base/open_car_1.trainunit#DisplayName Open Car Wagon ouvert
base/open_car_2.trainunit#DisplayName Open Car II Wagon ouvert II
base/open_hopper_car_1.trainunit#DisplayName Open Hopper Car Wagon-trémie Ouvert
base/open_hopper_car_2.trainunit#DisplayName Open Hopper Car II Wagon-trémie Ouvert II
base/overview Overview Vue d’ensemble
base/overwrite_save_confirmation Do you really want to overwrite the {0} save slot? Voulez-vous vraiment remplacer la sauvegarde {0} ?
Key English French State
base/notification_company_bankruptcy_warning Negative balance for a month Solde négatif pendant un mois
base/notification_company_bankruptcy_warning_message Make some money, or your company will become bankrupt in {0} months. Générez des profits, ou votre entreprise fera faillite dans {0} mois.
base/notification_demand_saved_message Regular supply is essential for the business to maintain growth. Un approvisionnement régulier est essentiel pour maintenir le développement d’une entreprise.
base/notification_demand_saved_title Bankruptcy avoided Faillite évitée
base/notification_deposit_depleting_message Deposit has been depleted by {0}. Cette ressource à été utilisée à {0}.
base/notification_deposit_depleting_title {0} {0}
base/notification_first_supply_message {0} has received the first supply of {1}. {0} a reçu sa première livraison de {1}.
base/notification_first_supply_title We have a deal! Marché conclu !
base/notification_headquarters_can_upgrade_message Visit the headquarters to upgrade it and get more profitable contracts. Visitez le siège social pour l’améliorer et recevoir des contrats plus rentables.
base/notification_headquarters_can_upgrade_title Your company is growing! Votre entreprise est en train de prospérer !
base/notification_research_completed_message Congratulations! Research <b>{0}</b> completed! Félicitations ! La recherche <b>{0}</b> est terminée !
base/notification_research_completed_title Research completed! Recherche terminée !
base/notification_settings Notification settings Paramètres de notifications
base/notification_vehicle_lost_by_signal_message {0} can't find its way to a destination. Probably there's a one-way signal on the way (to make it two-way, place another signal in the same position). {0} ne trouve pas son chemin pour atteindre sa destination. Il y a probablement un signal à sens unique sur le chemin (pour le rendre bidirectionnel, placez une autre signalisation au même endroit).
base/notification_vehicle_lost_by_signal_title Vehicle is lost Le véhicule est perdu
base/notification_vehicle_lost_message {0} can't find its way to a destination. {0} ne peut pas trouver un chemin vers sa destination.
base/notification_vehicle_lost_title Vehicle is lost Véhicule perdu
base/notification_vehicle_unpowered_message {0} is trying to move through non-electrified section. {0} essaye de traverser une voie non-électrifiée.
base/notification_vehicle_unpowered_title Vehicle missing energy supply Véhicule non approvisionné en énergie
base/notification_vehicle_unprofitable_message {0} has not earned money or transferred cargo in the last 30 days. {0} n’a pas généré de profits ou transféré de cargo dans les 30 dernier jours.
base/notification_vehicle_unprofitable_title Vehicle is unprofitable Ce véhicule ne génère pas de profits
base/notification_vehicle_wrecked_message {0} is wrecked now. {0} est détruit.
base/notification_vehicle_wrecked_title Vehicle accident has occurred! Un accident est survenu !
base/notifications Notifications Notifications
base/obelisk.decoration#DisplayName Statue Obélisque
base/occupied_by_vehicle Occupied by vehicle Occupé par un véhicule
base/off Off Désactivé
base/ok Ok Ok
base/old.raildepot#DisplayName Depot Dépôt
base/old.roaddepot#DisplayName Garage Garage


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String age
4 years ago
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4 years ago
Translation file
fr.strings.json, string 514