
Vehicle is unprofitable
Key English Spanish State
base/woodworking_3.research#DisplayName Woodworking III Carpintería III
base/world_seed World seed Semilla del mundo
base/world_seed_description Same seed values will result in identical worlds created Los mismos valores semilla darán lugar a mundos idénticos creados
base/wrecked Vehicle is wrecked El vehiculo está destrozado
base/yes Yes si
base/autumn_spruce.plant#DisplayName Spruce Abeto
base/autumn_stump.plant#DisplayName Stump Tocón
base/autumn_stump_2.plant#DisplayName Stump Tocón
base/autumn_tree.plant#DisplayName Tree Árbol
base/autumn_tree_2.plant#DisplayName Tree Árbol
base/autumn_tree_3.plant#DisplayName Tree Árbol
base/autumn_tree_4.plant#DisplayName Tree Árbol
base/tree_2.plant#DisplayName Tree Árbol
base/toolbar_other Other Otros
base/toolbar_other_object_information Object information Información del objeto
base/notification_vehicle_unprofitable_title Vehicle is unprofitable El vehículo no es rentable
base/notification_vehicle_unprofitable_message {0} has not earned money or transferred cargo in the last 30 days. {0} no está generando dinero.
base/regular.headquarters#DisplayName Headquarters Oficina central
base/notification_headquarters_can_upgrade_title Your company is growing! ¡Tu compañía está creciendo!
base/notification_headquarters_can_upgrade_message Visit the headquarters to upgrade it and get more profitable contracts. Visita la sede para mejorarla y obtener contratos más rentables.
base/headquarters Headquarters Sede
base/headquarters_level Level Nivel
base/headquarters_local_prices Local prices Precios locales
base/headquarters_upgrade Upgrade Mejorar
base/headquarters_build Build Construir
base/headquarters_upgrade_value_required {0} value required {0} valor requerido
base/headquarters_value Value Valor
base/headquarters_money Money Dinero
base/headquarters_loan Loan Préstamo
base/headquarters_placeholder_1 <b>Build headquarters</b> near a settlement of your choice to make selling to local customers more profitable. <b>Construir sedes</b> cerca de una ciudad de tu elección para que la venta a clientes locales sea más rentable.
base/headquarters_placeholder_2 <b>Prices will be increased</b> only for customers from that settlement. You can build only one headquarter that can't be moved later. <b>Los precios se incrementarán</b> solo para clientes de esa ciudad. Puedes construir sólo una sede que no podrá ser reubicada más tarde.
Key English Spanish State
base/notification_deposit_depleting_title {0} {0}
base/notification_first_supply_message {0} has received the first supply of {1}. {0} ha recibido su primer suministro de {1}.
base/notification_first_supply_title We have a deal! ¡Tenemos un trato!
base/notification_headquarters_can_upgrade_message Visit the headquarters to upgrade it and get more profitable contracts. Visita la sede para mejorarla y obtener contratos más rentables.
base/notification_headquarters_can_upgrade_title Your company is growing! ¡Tu compañía está creciendo!
base/notification_research_completed_message Congratulations! Research <b>{0}</b> completed! ¡Enhorabuena! ¡Investigación <b>{0}</b> completada!
base/notification_research_completed_title Research completed! ¡Investigación completada!
base/notification_settings Notification settings Ajustes de notificaciones
base/notification_vehicle_lost_by_signal_message {0} can't find its way to a destination. Probably there's a one-way signal on the way (to make it two-way, place another signal in the same position). {0} no puede encontrar la ruta a un destino. Probablemente haya una señal de sentido único en la ruta (para que sea en ambos sentidos, coloca otra señal en la misma posición).
base/notification_vehicle_lost_by_signal_title Vehicle is lost El vehículo está perdido
base/notification_vehicle_lost_message {0} can't find its way to a destination. {0} no puede encontrar una ruta a un destino.
base/notification_vehicle_lost_title Vehicle is lost El vehículo está perdido
base/notification_vehicle_unpowered_message {0} is trying to move through non-electrified section. {0} está tratando de moverse a través de la sección no electrificada.
base/notification_vehicle_unpowered_title Vehicle missing energy supply Falta el suministro de energía del vehículo
base/notification_vehicle_unprofitable_message {0} has not earned money or transferred cargo in the last 30 days. {0} no está generando dinero.
base/notification_vehicle_unprofitable_title Vehicle is unprofitable El vehículo no es rentable
base/notification_vehicle_wrecked_message {0} is wrecked now. {0} está destrozado ahora.
base/notification_vehicle_wrecked_title Vehicle accident has occurred! ¡Ha ocurrido un accidente de vehículo!
base/notifications Notifications Notificaciones
base/obelisk.decoration#DisplayName Statue Obelisco
base/occupied_by_vehicle Occupied by vehicle Ocupado por vehículo
base/off Off Apagado
base/ok Ok Ok
base/old.raildepot#DisplayName Depot Depósito
base/old.roaddepot#DisplayName Garage Garaje
base/on On Encendido
base/one_way_signal One-way Sentido único
base/open_car_1.trainunit#DisplayName Open Car Vagón abierto
base/open_car_2.trainunit#DisplayName Open Car II Vagón abierto II
base/open_hopper_car_1.trainunit#DisplayName Open Hopper Car Vagón tolva abierto


User avatar Scailman

New translation

Voxel Tycoon / BaseSpanish

Vehicle is unprofitable
El vehículo no es rentable
4 years ago
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English Spanish
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4 years ago
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4 years ago
Translation file
es.strings.json, string 968