
Distance units
Key English Czech State
base/difficulty_setting_easy Easy Jednoduchá
base/difficulty_setting_hard Hard Těžká
base/difficulty_setting_income_multiplier Value of goods Hodnota komodity
base/difficulty_setting_inflation_multiplier Inflation Inflace
base/difficulty_setting_loan_interest_multiplier Loan interest Úrok
base/difficulty_setting_loan_multiplier Max loan Maximální půjčka
base/difficulty_setting_normal Normal Střední
base/difficulty_setting_remove_price_multiplier Removal refund Náhrada za odstranění
base/difficulty_setting_settlement_growth_multiplier Settlement growth Růst osídlení
base/difficulty_setting_startup_capital_multiplier Startup capital Začinající kapitál
base/difficulty_setting_very_easy Very easy Velmi jednoduché
base/difficulty_setting_very_hard Very hard Velmi těžké
base/disabled Disabled Vypnuto
base/dispatcher Dispatcher Dispečer
base/distance_traveled Distance traveled Odcestovaná dálka
base/distance_units Distance units Jednotky vzdálenosti
base/dump_semi_trailer_1.carunit#DisplayName Dump semi-trailer Sklápěcí návěs
base/duplicate Duplicate Duplikovat
base/earnings Earnings Příjmy
base/economy Economy Ekonomika
base/electric Electric Elektrický
base/electric_engine.research#Description Engine that converts electricity to motive power. Requires energy source, but has much higher efficiency, and generates almost no air and noise pollution compared to a diesel one. Motor který přeměńuje elektřinu na pohyblivou energii. Potřebuje elektřinu ale za to má větší efektivitu a negeneruje skoro žádné znečištěni zvuku nebo vzduchu.
base/electric_engine.research#DisplayName Electric engine Elektrické motory
base/electric_engine_1.trainunit#DisplayName EU07 EU07
base/electric_engine_2.research#Description The most advanced electric engine. The outstanding efficiency of this engine allows building high-speed and super powerful vehicles which will be very costly and impractical otherwise. Nejpokročilejší elektrické motory. Jejich šílená efektivita dovolí pro stavbu velmi rychlých vlaků, které by jinak byli velmi nepraktické a drahé na údržbu.
base/electric_engine_2.research#DisplayName Electric engine II Elektrické motory II
base/electric_engine_2.trainunit#DisplayName Class 193 Třída 193
base/electric_engine_3.trainunit#DisplayName Class 1044 Třída 1044
base/electric_engine_4.trainunit#DisplayName HXD2b HXD2b
base/electric_engine_5.trainunit#DisplayName ChS2 ChS2
base/electric_engine_6.trainrecipe#DisplayName VL80 VL80
Key English Czech State
base/difficulty_setting_passenger_spawn_rate Passenger spawn rate
base/difficulty_setting_remove_price_multiplier Removal refund Náhrada za odstranění
base/difficulty_setting_settlement_growth_multiplier Settlement growth Růst osídlení
base/difficulty_setting_should_research_light_signals Start with semaphores
base/difficulty_setting_should_research_light_signals_description You need to research light signals before you can use them
base/difficulty_setting_signals Signals available from start
base/difficulty_setting_startup_capital_multiplier Startup capital Začinající kapitál
base/difficulty_setting_very_easy Very easy Velmi jednoduché
base/difficulty_setting_very_hard Very hard Velmi těžké
base/difficulty_settings_modes Custom rules
base/direction_warning_indicator_tooltip Fix direction
base/disable_cloud_sync_tooltip Disable cloud sync Zakázat vzdálenou synchronizaci
base/disabled Disabled Vypnuto
base/dispatcher Dispatcher Dispečer
base/distance_traveled Distance traveled Odcestovaná dálka
base/distance_units Distance units Jednotky vzdálenosti
base/dkk.currency#DisplayName DKK DKK
base/drag_to_reorder Drag to reorder
base/dump_semi_trailer_1.carunit#DisplayName Dump semi-trailer Sklápěcí návěs
base/duplicate Duplicate Duplikovat
base/early_access Early access Předběžný přístup
base/earnings Earnings Příjmy
base/economy Economy Ekonomika
base/edit_mods_in_save Add or remove mods Přidat nebo odebrat modifikace
base/electric Electric Elektrický
base/electric_engine.research#Description Engine that converts electricity to motive power. Requires energy source, but has much higher efficiency, and generates almost no air and noise pollution compared to a diesel one. Motor který přeměńuje elektřinu na pohyblivou energii. Potřebuje elektřinu ale za to má větší efektivitu a negeneruje skoro žádné znečištěni zvuku nebo vzduchu.
base/electric_engine.research#DisplayName Electric engine Elektrické motory
base/electric_engine_1.trainunit#DisplayName EU07 EU07
base/electric_engine_2.research#Description The most advanced electric engine. The outstanding efficiency of this engine allows building high-speed and super powerful vehicles which will be very costly and impractical otherwise. Nejpokročilejší elektrické motory. Jejich šílená efektivita dovolí pro stavbu velmi rychlých vlaků, které by jinak byli velmi nepraktické a drahé na údržbu.
base/electric_engine_2.research#DisplayName Electric engine II Elektrické motory II


User avatar RainbowShaggy

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Voxel Tycoon / BaseCzech

Distance units
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4 years ago
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English Czech
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4 years ago
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4 years ago
Translation file
cs.strings.json, string 246