Project Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
Mods by 776166 187 strings are not being translated here.
Mods by GoldenArrow
Mods by Scailman Some of the components within this project have alerts.
Mods by SpaceCossaX 63% 63 193 1
Mods by refreshfr
Voxel Tycoon 86 strings are not being translated here. 3
Language code it
Aliased language codes ita
Text direction Left to right
Plural: Default plural 48 translations
Number of plurals 2
Plural type One/other (classic plural)
Plurals Singular 1
Plural 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Plural formula n != 1
User avatar Fredrik_Leftin

Translation changed

Voxel Tycoon / BaseItalian

To bookmark current position, press {0}
Per segnalvare la posizione attuale, premi {0}
3 months ago
User avatar Fredrik_Leftin

Translation changed

Voxel Tycoon / BaseItalian

Camera bookmark added!
To return here at any moment, press {0}
Aggiunto segnalibro della telecamera! PerSegnalino salvato!
tornare qui in un secondo momento, premiendo {0}
3 months ago
User avatar Fredrik_Leftin

Translation changed

Voxel Tycoon / BaseItalian

Bookmark camera position {0}
Segnalino telecamera in posizionealva la posizione della telecamera {0}
3 months ago
User avatar Fredrik_Leftin

Translation changed

Voxel Tycoon / BaseItalian

Camera effects
Effetti telecamera
3 months ago
User avatar Fredrik_Leftin

Translation changed

Voxel Tycoon / BaseItalian

Learn how to control the camera
Impara a controllare la videotelecamera
3 months ago
User avatar Fredrik_Leftin

Translation changed

Voxel Tycoon / BaseItalian

You can also control the camera with the keyboard using {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, and {6} key combinations.
Puoi anche controllare la fotocameravisuale con la tastiera, utilizzando le combinazioni di tasti {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5} e {6}.
3 months ago
User avatar Fredrik_Leftin

Translation changed

Voxel Tycoon / BaseItalian

Use the <b>Scroll Wheel</b> to zoom in and out
Usa la <b>ruota del mouse</b> per ingrandire e rimpicciolirestringere la visuale
3 months ago
User avatar Fredrik_Leftin

Translation changed

Voxel Tycoon / BaseItalian

Hold the <b>Right Mouse Button</b> and drag the mouse to move camera around
Tieni premuto il <b>pulsante destro del mouse</b> e trascina il mouse per spostare la videocamerasuale
3 months ago
User avatar Fredrik_Leftin

Translation changed

Voxel Tycoon / BaseItalian

Try to complete the following actions to get comfortable with the game camera:
Prova a completare le seguenti azioni per familiarizzare con la videotelecamera del gioco:
3 months ago
User avatar Fredrik_Leftin

New translation

Voxel Tycoon / BaseItalian

You can create up to 10 camera bookmarks for easy navigation. Bookmark a camera position using {0}, {1}, etc., and then quickly revisit your saved views by pressing {2}, {3}, etc.
Puoi creare fino a 10 segnalini fotocamera per una navigazione più semplice. Aggiungi un segnalino alla posizione della fotocamera utilizzando {0}, {1}, ecc., e successivamente torna rapidamente alle postazioni salvate premendo {2}, {3}, ecc.
3 months ago
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