Key English Serbian State
base/nothing_found Nothing found
base/supporter_tooltip This is a real person!
Click to learn more
base/regular.conveyorconnector#input:DisplayName Input connector
base/release_from_garage Release from garage
base/setting_world_grid_step Grid step
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_next_signal_distance Next signal: {0}
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_previous_signal_distance Previous signal: {0}
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_next_intersection_distance Next intersection: {0}
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_previous_intersection_distance Previous intersection: {0}
base/sort_by Sort by
base/sort_by_size By size
base/sort_by_name By name
base/sort_by_price By price
base/power_is_limited Maximum power output {0}
can't be reached due to lack of electrification
base/toggle_view Toggle view
base/vehicle_station_overview_split_by_destination Split by destination
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_signal_distance Distance to nearby signals
base/city_window_overview_economy Supply businesses with the required goods to keep the settlement economy in good health.

Undersupplying will hurt businesses' operations and therefore affect the economy of the whole settlement.
base/city_window_overview_growth_tooltip Settlement grows every {0} days.

Settlement starts to develop rapidly when all its needs well satisfied for a period of time.

Bigger settlement means more business will open there, and more passengers would like to travel.
base/city_type_industrial_tooltip Demand limit: +{0}

Supplying demands has a greater effect on the settlement growth than transporting passengers.