
Remaining value: {0}
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
base/city_type_industrial Industrial 工業
base/city_type_tourist Tourist 觀光
base/city_type_mixed Mixed 混合
base/signal_difficulty_all All 全部
base/signal_difficulty_semaphores_only Semaphores only 僅臂木式號誌機
base/wood.mine#DisplayName Sawmill 鋸木廠
base/wood_2.mine#DisplayName Sawmill 鋸木廠
base/waypoint.roadstation#DisplayName Waypoint 導航點
base/waypoint.railstation#DisplayName Waypoint 導航點
base/mods Mods 模組
base/early_access Early access 搶先體驗
base/open_tech_tree Open tech tree 開啟科技樹
base/bankruptcy_difficulty_normal 3 months 三個月
base/bankruptcy_difficulty_disabled Disabled 停用
base/base.conveyorfilter#DisplayName Filter 篩選
base/remaining_company_value_tooltip Remaining value: {0} 市值尚需:{0}
base/savanna.biome#DisplayName Savanna 大草原
base/acacia.plant#DisplayName Acacia 相思樹
base/acacia_2.plant#DisplayName Acacia 相思樹
base/rock.plant#DisplayName Rock 岩石
base/rock_2.plant#DisplayName Rock 岩石
base/rock_3.plant#DisplayName Rock 岩石
base/tutorials_window_description Choose a tutorial that you would like to explore. You can continue from where you left off or revisit already completed tutorials at any time. 選擇你想要探索的教學關卡。你隨時可以繼續上次的進度或重新進行已完成的教學關卡。
base/one_way_signal One-way 單向
base/two_way_signal Two-way 雙向
base/rail_depot_default_name Depot 鐵路車站
base/road_depot_default_name Garage 車庫
base/unknown_station Unknown station 未知的車站
base/difficulty_setting_passenger_spawn_rate Passenger spawn rate 旅客產生率
base/difficulty_setting_bankruptcy_period Bankruptcy period 破產緩衝期
base/difficulty_setting_signals Signals available from start 開局即可使用號誌機
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
base/regular.conveyorconnector#DisplayName Output connector 連接器輸出端
base/regular.conveyorconnector#input:DisplayName Input connector 連接器輸入端
base/regular.conveyortunnel#DisplayName Underground conveyor 地下輸送帶
base/regular.headquarters#DisplayName Headquarters 總部
base/regular.pipe#DisplayName Pipe 管道
base/regular.rail#DisplayName Rails 鐵路
base/regular.raildepot#DisplayName Depot 車站
base/regular.road#DisplayName Road 道路
base/regular.roaddepot#DisplayName Garage 車庫
base/regular.theme#DisplayName Default 預設
base/reinforced_concrete_beam.item#DisplayName Reinforced concrete beam 鋼筋混凝土梁
base/release_from_depot Release from depot 從車站發車
base/release_from_garage Release from garage 從車庫發車
base/reload_game_to_activate_mods_confirmation Some mods require the game to be reloaded before they can be played with. Reload now? 部份模組需要重新啟動遊戲才會生效。要立即重啟嗎?
base/reload_game_to_apply_changes_confirmation Current game needs to be reloaded to apply changes. Reload now? 需要重新載入遊戲才能套用變更。要立刻載入嗎?
base/remaining_company_value_tooltip Remaining value: {0} 市值尚需:{0}
base/remove Remove 移除
base/remove_building_confirmation Are you sure you want to remove this building? 確定要刪除這個建築嗎?
base/remove_from_favorites Remove from favorites 從收藏移除
base/remove_object_confirmation Are you sure you want to remove this object? 確定要删除這個物件嗎?
base/rename_for Rename for {0}: 支付 {0} 重新命名:
base/render_quality Render quality 算繪品質
base/render_quality_setting_description Allows to reduce render resolution of the game without affecting UI 允許在不影響 UI 的情况下降低遊戲的算繪解析度
base/repay_button Repay {0} 還款 {0}
base/replace Replace 替換
base/required_population Required population 所需人口
base/research_and_development.research#DisplayName Research & development 研究 & 發展
base/research_completed_format Completed {0} of {1} 已完成 {0} / {1}
base/research_days_completed Days active 使用天數
base/research_difficulty_all_completed All completed 全部完成


Remaining value: {0}
3 years ago
Remaining value: {0}
3 years ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.strings.json, string 1171