
Storage reached its maximum capacity in the last {0} days so demand was oversupplied.

The price will be lower for a certain amount of time.
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
base/notifications Notifications 通知
base/save_load_window_incompatible_warning This game was saved from incompatible version of the game and can't be loaded. 因為該存檔屬於不相容的遊戲版本,所以無法載入。
base/edit_mods_in_save Add or remove mods 加入或刪除模組
base/station_window_overview_placeholder Station will connect with businesses, mines, warehouses, and other stations in range.

You can send vehicles here by adjusting their schedule.

base/station_window_overview_range Range 範圍
base/storage_network_tab_available Available in buildings 可用的建築
base/storage_network_tab_accepted Buildings accept 接受的建築
base/storage_network_tab_connected Connected buildings 已連接的建築
base/storage_network_tab_placeholder There are no buildings in range to connect 範圍內没有可連接的建築
base/storage_network_tab_connection_output Output to this building 輸出到此建築
base/storage_network_tab_connection_accept Accept from this building 從此建築接收
base/demand_card_click_to_reveal_origin_tooltip Click to reveal origin 點選顯示來源
base/demand_card_price_delta_tooltip Change for the last {0} days 最近 {0} 天的變化
base/demand_card_grade_tooltip Supply business demand with the required amount of cargo to keep it running.

It’s important to not oversupply business needs, otherwise, the price will go lower.

base/demand_card_consumed_tooltip Shows business monthly consumption/demand.

Consumes {0} items from storage every day to work properly.

Resets on the first day of the month.
顯示商店每個月的消費 / 需求。

每天需要從庫存消費 {0} 數量才能正常運作。

base/demand_card_warning_tooltip Storage reached its maximum capacity in the last {0} days so demand was oversupplied.

The price will be lower for a certain amount of time.
庫存在最近 {0} 天內已經滿載,目前供過於求。

base/demand_card_stats_level_tooltip Demand can't upgrade to the next level because its satisfaction is less than {0} 因為滿意度低於 {0},需求無法升級
base/demand_card_stats_delivered Delivered 交付次數
base/tutorial_steps_completed {0}/{1} completed {0}/{1} 完成
base/tutorial_start_from_scratch Start from scratch 白手起家
base/tutorial_window_collapsed_step Step {0}/{1} 步驟 {0}/{1}
base/collapse_window Collapse 倒閉
base/tutorial_complete_button Complete tutorial 完成教學
base/tutorial_continue_button Continue 繼續
base/not_suitable_for_depot Not suitable for this depot 不適用此車站
base/incompatible_coupling_type Incompatible coupling type 不相容的連接類型
base/click_to_rename Click to rename 點選以重新命名
base/ignore_closest_signal Ignore closest signal 忽略最接近的號誌
base/vehicle_window_schedule_placeholder Add first stop to start setting up the route 增加第一個停靠站後開始設置新路線
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_transfer Transfer 轉移
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_transfer_description Unload and then load available cargo or passengers at a destination 在目的地先卸貨再裝載可用的貨物或旅客
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
base/decoration_builder_tool_rotation Custom rotation: {0} 自訂旋轉:{0}
base/decoration_builder_tool_scale Custom scale: {0} 自訂縮放:{0}
base/decrease_cursor_height_hotkey Decrease cursor height 降低游標高度
base/decrease_explosion_radius_hotkey Decrease explosion radius 減少爆炸半徑
base/decrease_game_speed_hotkey Slow down time 減慢時間
base/decrease_station_length_hotkey Decrease station length 減少車站長度
base/decrease_station_width_hotkey Decrease station width 減少車站寬度
base/demand_card_click_to_reveal_origin_tooltip Click to reveal origin 點選顯示來源
base/demand_card_consumed Demand 需求
base/demand_card_consumed_tooltip Shows business monthly consumption/demand.

Consumes {0} items from storage every day to work properly.

Resets on the first day of the month.
顯示商店每個月的消費 / 需求。

每天需要從庫存消費 {0} 數量才能正常運作。

base/demand_card_grade_tooltip Supply business demand with the required amount of cargo to keep it running.

It’s important to not oversupply business needs, otherwise, the price will go lower.

base/demand_card_in_storage In storage 有庫存
base/demand_card_price_delta_tooltip Change for the last {0} days 最近 {0} 天的變化
base/demand_card_stats_delivered Delivered 交付次數
base/demand_card_stats_level_tooltip Demand can't upgrade to the next level because its satisfaction is less than {0} 因為滿意度低於 {0},需求無法升級
base/demand_card_warning_tooltip Storage reached its maximum capacity in the last {0} days so demand was oversupplied.

The price will be lower for a certain amount of time.
庫存在最近 {0} 天內已經滿載,目前供過於求。

base/demand_closed Business went bankrupt 商店破產了
base/demand_closed_message {0} doesn't accept {1} anymore. {0} 不再接受 {1}。
base/demand_closing Business on the verge of bankruptcy 商店瀕臨破產
base/demand_closing_message Supply {0} with {1} to prevent business from closing. 供應 {1} 給 {0} 以避免它倒閉。
base/demand_decreased Demand decreased! 需求下降!
base/demand_decreased_message Business has difficulties with the supply. {0} now accepts less {1}. 因為供應量不足,{0} 現在只接受少量的 {1}。
base/demand_increased Demand increased! 需求上升!
base/demand_increased_message Thanks to regular supplies business grew. {0} now accepts more {1}. 受益於長期的穩定供貨,{0} 現在需要更多的 {1}。
base/demand_level Level 等級
base/demand_oversupplied The business has no extra storage 商店沒有多餘的庫存空間了
base/demand_oversupplied_message The price of {0} will be lower for a certain amount of time. {0} 的價格將會下跌一段時間。
base/demand_oversupplied_warnings Oversupply warnings 供過於求的通知
base/demand_spawned New point of sale! 新的銷貨點!
base/demand_spawned_message {0} now accepts {1}. {0} 現在可接受 {1}。


Storage reached its maximum capacity in the last {0} days so demand was oversupplied.

The price will be lower for a certain amount of time.
庫存在過去最近 {0} 天內已經滿載,目前供過於求。

3 years ago
Storage reached its maximum capacity in the last {0} days so demand was oversupplied.

The price will be lower for a certain amount of time.
庫存在過去 {0} 天內已經滿載,目前供過於求。

3 years ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.strings.json, string 1352