
Displayed above the list of compatible devices when viewing a recipe in the Research window.

Suitable for
Key English Serbian State
base/demands_limit Demands limit Лимит потражње
base/deposits Deposits Складишта
base/depot_buy_button Buy Купи
base/depot_cant_serve_vehicle_type This depot can't accommodate vehicles of this type Овај депо не може примити возила овог типа
base/depot_copy_button Copy Копирај
base/depot_release_all_button Release all Пусти све
base/depot_sell_all_button Sell all Продај све
base/depot_was_destroyed Depot was destroyed! Депо је уништен!
base/depot_was_destroyed_message The depot the vehicle was moving to was destroyed. Депо у који је ишло возило је уништен.
base/depot_window_placeholder There are no vehicles in here Овде нема возила
base/depots Depots Депои
base/deselect Deselect Поништи
base/desert.biome#DisplayName Desert Пустиња
base/details Details Детаљи
base/devices Devices Уређаји
base/recipe_suitable_for Suitable for
base/diesel Diesel Дизел
base/diesel_box_truck_1.carunit#DisplayName LP 1620 LP 1620
base/diesel_box_truck_3.carunit#DisplayName L 8000 L 8000
base/diesel_bus.carunit#DisplayName Ikarus Икарус
base/diesel_cars.research#DisplayName Diesel trucks Дизел камиони
base/diesel_cars_2.research#DisplayName Diesel trucks II Дизел камиони II
base/diesel_cars_3.research#DisplayName Diesel trucks III Дизел камиони III
base/diesel_dump_truck_3.carunit#DisplayName L 8000 L 8000
base/diesel_engine.research#Description Internal combustion engine powered by ignition of fuel in compressed air. Offers greater flexibility and performance than steam engines, as well as substantially lower operating and maintenance costs. Мотор са унутрашњим сагоревањем ради преко запаљивања и експлозије горива у компресованом ваздуху. Пружа већу флексибилност и перформансе од парних, и захтева мању цену за управљање.
base/diesel_engine.research#DisplayName Diesel engine Дизел мотор
base/diesel_engine_1.trainunit#DisplayName TEP70 TEP70
base/diesel_engine_10.trainunit#DisplayName ChME3 ChME3
base/diesel_engine_11.trainunit#DisplayName TEP60 TEP60
base/diesel_engine_12.trainunit#DisplayName M62 Red M62 Црвени
base/diesel_engine_13.trainunit#DisplayName M62 M62
Key English Serbian State
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_signal_distance Distance to nearby signals
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_spacing Spacing Размак
base/rail_signals.research#DisplayName Signals Сигнали
base/rail_signals_2.research#DisplayName Signals II Сигнали II
base/rail_station_builder_window_length Platform length Дужина платформе
base/rail_station_builder_window_width Number of platforms Број платформи
base/railcars.research#DisplayName Railcars Вагони
base/railcars_2.research#DisplayName Railcars II Вагони II
base/rails.research#DisplayName Rails Шине
base/rails_2.research#DisplayName Rails II Шине II
base/rails_3.research#DisplayName Rails III Шине III
base/rails_electrification.research#DisplayName Rails electrification Електрификација шина
base/recipe Recipe
base/recipe_name {0} recipe {0} рецепт
base/recipe_picker_window_title Select a recipe Изабери рецепт
base/recipe_suitable_for Suitable for
base/red_cube.decoration#DisplayName Statue Статуа
base/refrigerator_car_1.trainunit#DisplayName Refrigerator Car Фрижидер Вагон
base/refrigerator_car_2.trainunit#DisplayName Refrigerated Car II Фрижидер Вагон II
base/refund Refund: {0} Повртатак: {0}
base/region_details_window_text Take a quick look at the region summary before buying. Прегледај статистику региона пре куповине.
base/region_details_window_welcome_text_1 This is a good place to do business! Look around for resource deposits to start mining from, buy vehicles, and supply city demands. Ово је добро место за бизнис! Погледај около за ресурсе које можеш рударити, купуј возила и задовољи потражњу градова.
base/region_details_window_welcome_text_2 When you are ready, make more complex products, research new technologies and expand {0} to other territories. Good luck! Када си спреман, почни са производњом сложенијих производа, истражуј нове технологије и прошири {0} на остале територије. Срећно!
base/region_disallows_this Region disallows this Регион ово не дозвољава
base/region_name {0} region {0} регион
base/regular.conveyor#DisplayName Conveyor Транспортер
base/regular.conveyorbridge#DisplayName Elevated conveyor Издигнути транспортер
base/regular.conveyorbuffer#DisplayName Conveyor buffer Транспортер бафер
base/regular.conveyorconnector#DisplayName Output connector Конектор
base/regular.conveyorconnector#input:DisplayName Input connector


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English Serbian
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Displayed above the list of compatible devices when viewing a recipe in the Research window.

String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
sr.strings.json, string 183