
{0} now accepts {1}.
Key English Slovak State
base/current_month Current month Tento mesiac
base/de.names#DisplayName German Nemecké
base/deciduous_forest.biome#DisplayName Deciduous forest Listnatý les
base/base.chainrailsignal#DisplayName Pre-Signal Predzvestné svetelné návestidlo
base/base.railsignal#DisplayName Signal Svetelné návestidlo
base/demand_closed Business went bankrupt Podnik zbankrotoval
base/demand_closed_message {0} doesn't accept {1} anymore. {0} už neprijíma {1}.
base/demand_closing Business on the verge of bankruptcy Podnik je na pokraji bankrotu
base/demand_closing_message Supply {0} with {1} to prevent business from closing. Zásobuj {0} s {1}, aby sa podnik nezatvoril.
base/demand_decreased Demand decreased! Dopyt bol znížený!
base/demand_decreased_message Business has difficulties with the supply. {0} now accepts less {1}. Podnik má problémy so zásobovaním. {0} teraz akceptuje menej {1}.
base/demand_increased Demand increased! Dopyt bol zvýšený!
base/demand_increased_message Thanks to regular supplies business grew. {0} now accepts more {1}. Vďaka pravidelnému zásobovaniu sa podnik rozšíril. {0} teraz akceptuje viac {1}.
base/demand_level Level Úroveň
base/demand_spawned New point of sale! Nové miesto predaja!
base/demand_spawned_message {0} now accepts {1}. {0} teraz prijíma {1}.
base/demands Demands Dopyty
base/demands_limit Demands limit Obmedzenie dopytov
base/deposits Deposits Ložiská
base/depot_buy_button Buy Kúpiť
base/depot_cant_serve_vehicle_type This depot can't accommodate vehicles of this type Toto depo nie je určené pre tento typ vozidiel
base/depot_copy_button Copy Kopírovať
base/depot_release_all_button Release all Pustiť všetky
base/depot_sell_all_button Sell all Predať všetky
base/depot_was_destroyed Depot was destroyed! Depo bolo zničené!
base/depot_was_destroyed_message The depot the vehicle was moving to was destroyed. Depo, do ktorého vozidlo mierilo, bolo zničené.
base/depot_window_placeholder There are no vehicles in here Toto depo je prázdne
base/depots Depots Depá
base/deselect Deselect Zrušiť voľbu
base/desert.biome#DisplayName Desert Púšť
base/details Details Detaily
Key English Slovak State
base/demand_card_stats_level_tooltip Demand can't upgrade to the next level because its satisfaction is less than {0} Dopyt nemôže zvýšiť úroveň, lebo je splnený na menej ako {0}
base/demand_card_warning_tooltip Storage reached its maximum capacity in the last {0} days so demand was oversupplied.

The price will be lower for a certain amount of time.
Sklad dosiahol prílišným dodávaním požadovaných položiek svoju maximálnu kapacitu v posledných {0} dňoch.

Cena položky bude na určitý čas znížená.
base/demand_closed Business went bankrupt Podnik zbankrotoval
base/demand_closed_message {0} doesn't accept {1} anymore. {0} už neprijíma {1}.
base/demand_closing Business on the verge of bankruptcy Podnik je na pokraji bankrotu
base/demand_closing_message Supply {0} with {1} to prevent business from closing. Zásobuj {0} s {1}, aby sa podnik nezatvoril.
base/demand_decreased Demand decreased! Dopyt bol znížený!
base/demand_decreased_message Business has difficulties with the supply. {0} now accepts less {1}. Podnik má problémy so zásobovaním. {0} teraz akceptuje menej {1}.
base/demand_increased Demand increased! Dopyt bol zvýšený!
base/demand_increased_message Thanks to regular supplies business grew. {0} now accepts more {1}. Vďaka pravidelnému zásobovaniu sa podnik rozšíril. {0} teraz akceptuje viac {1}.
base/demand_level Level Úroveň
base/demand_oversupplied The business has no extra storage Podnik už nemá voľné miesto na uskladnenie
base/demand_oversupplied_message The price of {0} will be lower for a certain amount of time. Cena {0} sa zníži po určitom čase.
base/demand_oversupplied_warnings Oversupply warnings Upozornenia o nadpriemernom zásobovaní
base/demand_spawned New point of sale! Nové miesto predaja!
base/demand_spawned_message {0} now accepts {1}. {0} teraz prijíma {1}.
base/demand_warnings_level Business warnings Upozornenia o podnikoch
base/demand_warnings_level_all All businesses Všetky podniky
base/demand_warnings_level_none Do not warn Žiadne upozornenia
base/demand_warnings_level_supplied_only Supplied only Iba zásobované
base/demands Demands Dopyty
base/demands_limit Demands limit Obmedzenie dopytov
base/deposits Deposits Ložiská
base/depot_buy_button Buy Kúpiť
base/depot_cant_serve_vehicle_type This depot can't accommodate vehicles of this type Toto depo nie je určené pre tento typ vozidiel
base/depot_copy_button Copy Kopírovať
base/depot_is_unreachable_error_message The vehicle can't find a path to the depot. Vozidlo nemôže nájsť cestu do depa.
base/depot_release_all_button Release all Pustiť všetky
base/depot_sell_all_button Sell all Predať všetky
base/depot_was_destroyed Depot was destroyed! Depo bolo zničené!


User avatar Jurajojo

Suggestion accepted

Voxel Tycoon / BaseSlovak

{0} now accepts {1}.
{0} teraz prijíma {1}.
4 years ago
User avatar Jurajojo

Suggestion added

Voxel Tycoon / BaseSlovak

{0} now accepts {1}.
{0} teraz prijíma {1}.
4 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Slovak
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
sk.strings.json, string 166