
Go to
Key English Slovak State
base/tutorial_steps_completed {0}/{1} completed {0}/{1} dokončených
base/tutorial_start_from_scratch Start from scratch Začať od začiatku
base/tutorial_window_collapsed_step Step {0}/{1} Krok {0}/{1}
base/collapse_window Collapse Zbaliť
base/tutorial_complete_button Complete tutorial Ukončiť tutoriál
base/tutorial_continue_button Continue Pokračovať
base/not_suitable_for_depot Not suitable for this depot Nie je vhodné pre toto depo
base/incompatible_coupling_type Incompatible coupling type Nekompatibilný typ spojky
base/click_to_rename Click to rename Kliknutím premenuješ
base/ignore_closest_signal Ignore closest signal Odignoruj najbližšiu návesť
base/vehicle_window_schedule_placeholder Add first stop to start setting up the route Pridaj prvú zastávku, aby si začal vytvárať trasu
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_transfer Transfer Prelož
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_transfer_description Unload and then load available cargo or passengers at a destination Vylož a potom nalož dostupný tovar alebo cestujúcich v destinácii
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_waypoint Waypoint Cestovný bod
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_waypoint_description Go through a destination without stop Choď cez destináciu bez zastavenia
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_go_to Go to Choď do
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_go_to_description Build your own list of orders Zaveď svoj vlastný zoznam príkazov
base/vehicle_window_schedule_behavior_default Default Obyčajný
base/vehicle_window_schedule_behavior_default_description Just execute orders as usual Proste vykoná príkazy ako obvykle
base/vehicle_window_schedule_behavior_non_stop Non-stop Non-stop
base/vehicle_window_schedule_behavior_non_stop_description Ignore all orders and go through the station non-stop Odignoruje všetky príkazy a cez stanicu pôjde bez zastavenia
base/vehicle_window_schedule_tab_behavior_switch_direction Switch direction Zmeň smer
base/vehicle_window_schedule_tab_behavior_execute_orders_switch_direction Execute orders, then switch direction Vykoná príkazy, potom zmení smer
base/vehicle_window_schedule_tab_behavior_execute_orders_turn_around Execute orders, then force turn around Vykoná príkazy, potom vynúti otočenie
base/vehicle_window_schedule_custom_behavior Custom behavior Vlastné správanie
base/vehicle_window_schedule_non_stop Non-stop Non-stop
base/vehicle_window_schedule_turn_around Switch direction Zmeň smer
base/vehicle_window_schedule_seconds_to_wait Seconds to wait: Počkaj (v sekundách):
base/vehicle_window_schedule_tab_edit_button Edit Upraviť
base/vehicle_window_schedule_full Full Plný
base/vehicle_window_schedule_wait_for_full_unload Wait for full unload Počkaj na úplné vyloženie
Key English Slovak State
base/vehicle_station_stats_items_processed Cargo processed Spracovaného tovaru
base/vehicle_station_stats_vehicles_serviced Vehicles serviced Obslúžených vozidiel
base/vehicle_unit_picker_multiple_mode_tooltip Add many units while holding <b>SHIFT</b> Pridaj viac jednotiek podržaním <b>SHIFT</b>
base/vehicle_unit_picker_multiple_mode_tooltip_2 Release <b>SHIFT</b> to add units: Prestaň držať <b>SHIFT</b> na pridanie jetnotiek:
base/vehicle_unit_picker_placeholder Nothing found for filters set.
Try to loosen search criteria a bit.
S týmito filtrami sa nič nenašlo.
Skús niektoré filtre vynechať.
base/vehicle_unit_picker_reset_filters Reset filters Obnoviť filtre
base/vehicle_unprofitable_warnings_frequency Unprofitable warnings Upozornenia o neziskových vozidlách
base/vehicle_unprofitable_warnings_frequency_30_days Every 30 days Každých 30 dní
base/vehicle_unprofitable_warnings_frequency_60_days Every 60 days Každých 60 dní
base/vehicle_unprofitable_warnings_frequency_never Never Nikdy
base/vehicle_window_details_click_to_refit Click to refit Kliknutím zmeníš typ nákladu
base/vehicle_window_details_unit_storage_count {0} of {1} {0} z {1}
base/vehicle_window_mute_unprofitable_notifications Mute unprofitable notifications Vypnúť upozornenia o nezarábajúcich vozidlách
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_order Add order Pridať príkaz
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop Add stop Pridaj zastávku
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_go_to Go to Choď do
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_go_to_description Build your own list of orders Zaveď svoj vlastný zoznam príkazov
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_transfer Transfer Prelož
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_transfer_description Unload and then load available cargo or passengers at a destination Vylož a potom nalož dostupný tovar alebo cestujúcich v destinácii
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_waypoint Waypoint Cestovný bod
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_stop_waypoint_description Go through a destination without stop Choď cez destináciu bez zastavenia
base/vehicle_window_schedule_behavior_default Default Obyčajný
base/vehicle_window_schedule_behavior_default_description Just execute orders as usual Proste vykoná príkazy ako obvykle
base/vehicle_window_schedule_behavior_non_stop Non-stop Non-stop
base/vehicle_window_schedule_behavior_non_stop_description Ignore all orders and go through the station non-stop Odignoruje všetky príkazy a cez stanicu pôjde bez zastavenia
base/vehicle_window_schedule_custom_behavior Custom behavior Vlastné správanie
base/vehicle_window_schedule_full Full Plný
base/vehicle_window_schedule_non_stop Non-stop Non-stop
base/vehicle_window_schedule_ok_button Ok Ok
base/vehicle_window_schedule_placeholder Add first stop to start setting up the route Pridaj prvú zastávku, aby si začal vytvárať trasu


User avatar Jurajojo

New translation

Voxel Tycoon / BaseSlovak

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Choď do
3 years ago
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English Slovak
No related strings found in the glossary.

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String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
sk.strings.json, string 1370