
Click the green <b>Buy</b> button at the bottom to confirm the purchase
Key English Slovak State
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step_2 Select {0} / {1} in the toolbar to see the available stations Zvoľ {0} / {1} na paneli nástrojov, aby si uvidel dostupné stanice
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step_3 Select {0} from the opened window to start building V otvorenom okne zvoľ {0}, aby si začal stavať
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step_4 Build the station in range of the heating plant Postav stanicu v dosahu teplárne
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step_5 Press {0} to rotate the building before construction. Stlač {0}, aby si otočil budovu pred jej postavením.
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step_title Build a station near customer Postav stanicu pri zákazníkovi
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_mine_step Now you need to build a station near the mine where trucks can be loaded with coal to deliver it to a customer - a heating plant. Teraz musíš postaviť stanicu pri ťažobnom zariadení, pri ktorom sa vozidlá naložia uhlím, ktoré potom dovezú k zákazníkovi - do teplárne.
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_mine_step_1 Select {0} / {1} in the toolbar to see the available stations Zvoľ {0} / {1} na paneli nástrojov, aby si uvidel dostupné stanice
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_mine_step_2 Select {0} from the opened window to start building V otvorenom okne zvoľ {0}, aby si začal stavať
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_mine_step_3 Build the station in range of the mine Postav stanicu v dosahu bane
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_mine_step_4 You can tell if a building is in range of the station by looking on its color. If it has become vivid - you're golden! Či je budova v dosahu stanice zistíš podľa jej farby. Ak ozelenie, je na správnom mieste!
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_mine_step_title Build a station near the mine Postav stanicu pri bani
base/tutorials_getting_started_buy_truck_step Alright, it's time to start building your fleet. Super, nastal čas začať stavať tvoju flotilu.
base/tutorials_getting_started_buy_truck_step_1 Click on the garage Klikni na garáž
base/tutorials_getting_started_buy_truck_step_2 Click {0} in the garage window to see the available vehicles Klikni na {0} v okne garáže, aby si uvidel dostupné vozidlá
base/tutorials_getting_started_buy_truck_step_3 Select a truck which can carry coal (you can see that on the top of cards) Zvoľ nákladný automobil, ktorý dokáže nosiť uhlie (to môžeš vidieť na vrchu jeho kartičky)
base/tutorials_getting_started_buy_truck_step_4 Click the green <b>Buy</b> button at the bottom to confirm the purchase Klikni na zelené tlačidlo <b>Kúpiť</b> na spodku, aby si potvrdil kúpu
base/tutorials_getting_started_buy_truck_step_title Buy your first truck Kúp si svoj prvý nákladný automobil
base/tutorials_getting_started_camera_controls_step Try to complete the following actions to get comfortable with the game camera: Pokús sa dokončiť nasledujúce činy, aby si si osvojil ovládanie hernej kamery:
base/tutorials_getting_started_camera_controls_step_1 Hold the <b>Right Mouse Button</b> and drag the mouse to move camera around Drž <b>Pravé tlačidlo myši</b> a ťahaj, aby si pohol pohľadom
base/tutorials_getting_started_camera_controls_step_2 Use the <b>Scroll Wheel</b> to zoom in and out Použi <b>Rolovacie koliesko myši</b> na priblíženie a oddialenie
base/tutorials_getting_started_camera_controls_step_3 Hold the <b>Scroll Wheel</b> and drag the mouse to rotate camera Drž <b>Rolovacie koliesko myši</b> a ťahaj, aby si pohľad otočil
base/tutorials_getting_started_camera_controls_step_4 You can also control the camera with the keyboard using {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, and {6} key combinations. Kameru môžeš ovládať aj pomocou kombinácie tlačidiel {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, a {6}.
base/tutorials_getting_started_camera_controls_step_title Learn how to control the camera Nauč sa ovládať pohľad
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step Now connect your stations with a road. Teraz spoj svoje stanice cestou.
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step_1 Select {0} / {1} in the toolbar to see the available types of road Zvoľ {0} / {1} na paneli nástrojov, aby si uvidel dostupné typy ciest
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step_2 Select {0} from the opened window V otvorenom okne zvoľ {0}
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step_3 Click on the road end near one of stations to start laying a road Klikni na koniec cesty pri jednej zo staníc, aby si začal stavať cestu
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step_4 Click on the road end near the other station to build it Klikni na koniec cesty pri druhej stanici, aby si ju postavil
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step_5 To cancel the road laying process, press {0} or {1}. Aby si zrušil proces stavania cesty, stlač {0} alebo {1}.
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step_title Connect station with a road Spoj stanicu s cestou
base/tutorials_getting_started_final_step Now that you have your first customer supply set up, you can focus on other demands in your region. Teraz, keď už máš zásobuješ prvého zákazníka, sa môžeš zamerať na ostatné požiadavky tvojho regiónu.
Key English Slovak State
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step_2 Select {0} / {1} in the toolbar to see the available stations Zvoľ {0} / {1} na paneli nástrojov, aby si uvidel dostupné stanice
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step_3 Select {0} from the opened window to start building V otvorenom okne zvoľ {0}, aby si začal stavať
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step_4 Build the station in range of the heating plant Postav stanicu v dosahu teplárne
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step_5 Press {0} to rotate the building before construction. Stlač {0}, aby si otočil budovu pred jej postavením.
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step_title Build a station near customer Postav stanicu pri zákazníkovi
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_mine_step Now you need to build a station near the mine where trucks can be loaded with coal to deliver it to a customer - a heating plant. Teraz musíš postaviť stanicu pri ťažobnom zariadení, pri ktorom sa vozidlá naložia uhlím, ktoré potom dovezú k zákazníkovi - do teplárne.
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_mine_step_1 Select {0} / {1} in the toolbar to see the available stations Zvoľ {0} / {1} na paneli nástrojov, aby si uvidel dostupné stanice
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_mine_step_2 Select {0} from the opened window to start building V otvorenom okne zvoľ {0}, aby si začal stavať
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_mine_step_3 Build the station in range of the mine Postav stanicu v dosahu bane
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_mine_step_4 You can tell if a building is in range of the station by looking on its color. If it has become vivid - you're golden! Či je budova v dosahu stanice zistíš podľa jej farby. Ak ozelenie, je na správnom mieste!
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_mine_step_title Build a station near the mine Postav stanicu pri bani
base/tutorials_getting_started_buy_truck_step Alright, it's time to start building your fleet. Super, nastal čas začať stavať tvoju flotilu.
base/tutorials_getting_started_buy_truck_step_1 Click on the garage Klikni na garáž
base/tutorials_getting_started_buy_truck_step_2 Click {0} in the garage window to see the available vehicles Klikni na {0} v okne garáže, aby si uvidel dostupné vozidlá
base/tutorials_getting_started_buy_truck_step_3 Select a truck which can carry coal (you can see that on the top of cards) Zvoľ nákladný automobil, ktorý dokáže nosiť uhlie (to môžeš vidieť na vrchu jeho kartičky)
base/tutorials_getting_started_buy_truck_step_4 Click the green <b>Buy</b> button at the bottom to confirm the purchase Klikni na zelené tlačidlo <b>Kúpiť</b> na spodku, aby si potvrdil kúpu
base/tutorials_getting_started_buy_truck_step_title Buy your first truck Kúp si svoj prvý nákladný automobil
base/tutorials_getting_started_camera_controls_step Try to complete the following actions to get comfortable with the game camera: Pokús sa dokončiť nasledujúce činy, aby si si osvojil ovládanie hernej kamery:
base/tutorials_getting_started_camera_controls_step_1 Hold the <b>Right Mouse Button</b> and drag the mouse to move camera around Drž <b>Pravé tlačidlo myši</b> a ťahaj, aby si pohol pohľadom
base/tutorials_getting_started_camera_controls_step_2 Use the <b>Scroll Wheel</b> to zoom in and out Použi <b>Rolovacie koliesko myši</b> na priblíženie a oddialenie
base/tutorials_getting_started_camera_controls_step_3 Hold the <b>Scroll Wheel</b> and drag the mouse to rotate camera Drž <b>Rolovacie koliesko myši</b> a ťahaj, aby si pohľad otočil
base/tutorials_getting_started_camera_controls_step_4 You can also control the camera with the keyboard using {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, and {6} key combinations. Kameru môžeš ovládať aj pomocou kombinácie tlačidiel {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, a {6}.
base/tutorials_getting_started_camera_controls_step_title Learn how to control the camera Nauč sa ovládať pohľad
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step Now connect your stations with a road. Teraz spoj svoje stanice cestou.
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step_1 Select {0} / {1} in the toolbar to see the available types of road Zvoľ {0} / {1} na paneli nástrojov, aby si uvidel dostupné typy ciest
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step_2 Select {0} from the opened window V otvorenom okne zvoľ {0}
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step_3 Click on the road end near one of stations to start laying a road Klikni na koniec cesty pri jednej zo staníc, aby si začal stavať cestu
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step_4 Click on the road end near the other station to build it Klikni na koniec cesty pri druhej stanici, aby si ju postavil
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step_5 To cancel the road laying process, press {0} or {1}. Aby si zrušil proces stavania cesty, stlač {0} alebo {1}.
base/tutorials_getting_started_connect_stations_with_road_step_title Connect station with a road Spoj stanicu s cestou


User avatar Jurajojo

Translation changed

Voxel Tycoon / BaseSlovak

Click the green <b>Buy</b> button at the bottom to confirm the purchase
Klikni na zelené tlačidlo <b>BuyKúpiť</b> na spodku, aby si potvrdil kúpu
3 years ago
User avatar Jurajojo

New translation

Voxel Tycoon / BaseSlovak

Click the green <b>Buy</b> button at the bottom to confirm the purchase
Klikni na zelené tlačidlo <b>Buy</b> na spodku, aby si potvrdil kúpu
3 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Slovak
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String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
sk.strings.json, string 1234