
Do not warn
Key English Slovak State
base/mine_mining_paused_state Mining paused Ťažba je pozastavená
base/mine_waiting_for_storage_state Storage is full Sklad je plný
base/mine_deposit_depleted_state Deposit depleted Ložisko bolo vyčerpané
base/mine_deposit_depleted_by Depleted by {0} Bude vyčerpané do {0}
base/mine_deposit_items_left {0} left Zostáva {0}
base/lab_default_name Laboratory Laboratórium
base/setting_right_click_to_cancel Right click to cancel Kliknutím pravého tlačidla myši zruš
base/supervisor Supervisor Vedúci
base/resources_mined Resources mined Vyťažené zdroje
base/logistics Logistics Logistika
base/manager Manager Manažér
base/items_stored Items stored Uskladnené položky
base/demand_warnings_level Business warnings Upozornenia o podnikoch
base/demand_warnings_level_all All businesses Všetky podniky
base/demand_warnings_level_supplied_only Supplied only Iba zásobované
base/demand_warnings_level_none Do not warn Žiadne upozornenia
base/coming_soon Coming soon Už čoskoro
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_garage_step Now you need to build a garage to buy some trucks. A garage can be attached to existing road, or you can connect it manually later if you want. Teraz potrebuješ postaviť garáž, aby si si mohol kúpiť nákladné automobily. Garáž sa môže pripojiť k priľahlej ceste, alebo ju neskôr môžeš pripojiť k ceste sám.
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_garage_step_1 Select {0} / {1} in the toolbar to see available garages Zvoľ {0} / {1} na paneli nástrojov, aby si uvidel dostupné garáže
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_garage_step_2 Select {0} from the opened window to start building V otvorenom okne zvoľ {0}, aby si začal stavať
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_garage_step_3 Build the garage Postav garáž
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_garage_step_4 You can build a garage anywhere, but keep in mind that trucks will have to travel all the way from it to their destinations, it doesn't make much sense to build it far away from the mine. Garáž môžeš postaviť kamkoľvek, ale nezabudni na to, že vozidlá budú musieť prejsť celú cestu od nej až ku ich cieľu, a preto nedáva veľký zmysel postaviť ju ďaleko od ich prvej zastávky.
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_garage_step_title Build a garage Postav garáž
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_mine_step You need to mine some resources so that you can sell them to customers in cities. Musíš vyťažiť nejaké zdroje, aby si ich mohol predať zákazníkom v obciach.
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_mine_step_1 Select {0} / {1} in the toolbar to see the available mines Zvoľ {0} / {1} na paneli nástrojov, aby si uvidel dostupné ťažobné zariadenia
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_mine_step_2 Select {0} in the opened window to start building V otvorenom okne zvoľ {0}, aby si začal stavať
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_mine_step_3 Build the mine on the coal deposit Postav uholnú baňu na ložisku uhlia
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_mine_step_4 Press {0} to rotate the building before construction. Stlač {0}, aby si budovu otočil pred jej postavením.
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_mine_step_title Build a mine Postav baňu
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step In the same way, you will need to build a station near a customer in a city where you'll sell the mined coal. Rovnakým spôsobom budeš musieť postaviť stanicu v meste v blízkosti zákazníka, ktorému predáš vyťažené uhlie.
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step_1 You can build a station over existing roads, if there is enough space. Stanicu môžeš postaviť aj cez existujúcu trať, ak je tam dostatok miesta.
Key English Slovak State
base/demand_closed_message {0} doesn't accept {1} anymore. {0} už neprijíma {1}.
base/demand_closing Business on the verge of bankruptcy Podnik je na pokraji bankrotu
base/demand_closing_message Supply {0} with {1} to prevent business from closing. Zásobuj {0} s {1}, aby sa podnik nezatvoril.
base/demand_decreased Demand decreased! Dopyt bol znížený!
base/demand_decreased_message Business has difficulties with the supply. {0} now accepts less {1}. Podnik má problémy so zásobovaním. {0} teraz akceptuje menej {1}.
base/demand_increased Demand increased! Dopyt bol zvýšený!
base/demand_increased_message Thanks to regular supplies business grew. {0} now accepts more {1}. Vďaka pravidelnému zásobovaniu sa podnik rozšíril. {0} teraz akceptuje viac {1}.
base/demand_level Level Úroveň
base/demand_oversupplied The business has no extra storage Podnik už nemá voľné miesto na uskladnenie
base/demand_oversupplied_message The price of {0} will be lower for a certain amount of time. Cena {0} sa zníži po určitom čase.
base/demand_oversupplied_warnings Oversupply warnings Upozornenia o nadpriemernom zásobovaní
base/demand_spawned New point of sale! Nové miesto predaja!
base/demand_spawned_message {0} now accepts {1}. {0} teraz prijíma {1}.
base/demand_warnings_level Business warnings Upozornenia o podnikoch
base/demand_warnings_level_all All businesses Všetky podniky
base/demand_warnings_level_none Do not warn Žiadne upozornenia
base/demand_warnings_level_supplied_only Supplied only Iba zásobované
base/demands Demands Dopyty
base/demands_limit Demands limit Obmedzenie dopytov
base/deposits Deposits Ložiská
base/depot_buy_button Buy Kúpiť
base/depot_cant_serve_vehicle_type This depot can't accommodate vehicles of this type Toto depo nie je určené pre tento typ vozidiel
base/depot_copy_button Copy Kopírovať
base/depot_is_unreachable_error_message The vehicle can't find a path to the depot. Vozidlo nemôže nájsť cestu do depa.
base/depot_release_all_button Release all Pustiť všetky
base/depot_sell_all_button Sell all Predať všetky
base/depot_was_destroyed Depot was destroyed! Depo bolo zničené!
base/depot_was_destroyed_message The depot the vehicle was moving to was destroyed. Depo, do ktorého vozidlo mierilo, bolo zničené.
base/depot_window_placeholder There are no vehicles in here Toto depo je prázdne
base/depots Depots Depá


User avatar Jurajojo

New translation

Voxel Tycoon / BaseSlovak

Do not warn
Žiadne upozornenia
3 years ago
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English Slovak
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3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
sk.strings.json, string 1203