
Prices affected by headquarters built nearby the city.

Local prices
Key English Italian State
base/autumn_stump_2.plant#DisplayName Stump Ceppo
base/autumn_tree.plant#DisplayName Tree Albero
base/autumn_tree_2.plant#DisplayName Tree Albero
base/autumn_tree_3.plant#DisplayName Tree Albero
base/autumn_tree_4.plant#DisplayName Tree Albero
base/tree_2.plant#DisplayName Tree Albero
base/toolbar_other Other Altro
base/toolbar_other_object_information Object information Informazioni
base/notification_vehicle_unprofitable_title Vehicle is unprofitable Il veicolo non è redditizio
base/notification_vehicle_unprofitable_message {0} has not earned money or transferred cargo in the last 30 days. {0} non ha guadagnato soldi o trasferito merci negli ultimi 30 giorni.
base/regular.headquarters#DisplayName Headquarters Quartier generale
base/notification_headquarters_can_upgrade_title Your company is growing! La tua compagnia si sta espandendo!
base/notification_headquarters_can_upgrade_message Visit the headquarters to upgrade it and get more profitable contracts. Visita il quartier generale per migliorarlo e ottenere contratti più vantaggiosi.
base/headquarters Headquarters Quartier generale
base/headquarters_level Level Livello
base/headquarters_local_prices Local prices Prezzi locali
base/headquarters_upgrade Upgrade Migliora
base/headquarters_build Build Costruisci
base/headquarters_upgrade_value_required {0} value required {0} quota richiesta
base/headquarters_value Value Valore
base/headquarters_money Money Soldi
base/headquarters_loan Loan Prestito
base/headquarters_placeholder_1 <b>Build headquarters</b> near a settlement of your choice to make selling to local customers more profitable. <b>Costruisci il quartier generale</b> vicino un insediamento per rendere più redditizia la vendita di beni ai clienti locali.
base/headquarters_placeholder_2 <b>Prices will be increased</b> only for customers from that settlement. You can build only one headquarter that can't be moved later. <b>I prezzi verranno aumentati</b> solo per i clienti di tale insediamento. Puoi costruire solo un quartier generale, il quale non potrà più essere spostato in seguito.
base/headquarters_placeholder_3 <b>Visit this window</b> to get a glance at your company performance and upgrade headquarters to advance profits from sales even more. <b>Visita questa finestra</b> per dare un'occhiata alle prestazioni della tua azienda e migliorare il quartier generale per far aumentare ulteriormente i profitti generati dalle vendite.
base/headquarters_buildings Buildings Edifici
base/headquarters_regions Regions Regioni
base/goal_window_researched Researched Ricerca conclusa
base/headquarters_builder_tool_tooltip Build headquarters at {0} Costruisci quartier generale a {0}
base/headquarters_trains Trains Treni
base/headquarters_trucks Trucks Camion
Key English Italian State
base/grade_low Low Basso
base/grade_normal Medium Medio
base/grade_very_high Very high Molto alto
base/grade_very_low Very low Molto basso
base/gravel.item#DisplayName Gravel Ghiaia
base/greedy_mode Greedy mode Tabula rasa
base/ Hardware store Ferramenta
base/ Hardware store II Ferramenta II
base/heading_to Heading to Prossima fermata:
base/headquarters Headquarters Quartier generale
base/headquarters_build Build Costruisci
base/headquarters_builder_tool_tooltip Build headquarters at {0} Costruisci quartier generale a {0}
base/headquarters_buildings Buildings Edifici
base/headquarters_level Level Livello
base/headquarters_loan Loan Prestito
base/headquarters_local_prices Local prices Prezzi locali
base/headquarters_money Money Soldi
base/headquarters_placeholder_1 <b>Build headquarters</b> near a settlement of your choice to make selling to local customers more profitable. <b>Costruisci il quartier generale</b> vicino un insediamento per rendere più redditizia la vendita di beni ai clienti locali.
base/headquarters_placeholder_2 <b>Prices will be increased</b> only for customers from that settlement. You can build only one headquarter that can't be moved later. <b>I prezzi verranno aumentati</b> solo per i clienti di tale insediamento. Puoi costruire solo un quartier generale, il quale non potrà più essere spostato in seguito.
base/headquarters_placeholder_3 <b>Visit this window</b> to get a glance at your company performance and upgrade headquarters to advance profits from sales even more. <b>Visita questa finestra</b> per dare un'occhiata alle prestazioni della tua azienda e migliorare il quartier generale per far aumentare ulteriormente i profitti generati dalle vendite.
base/headquarters_regions Regions Regioni
base/headquarters_trains Trains Treni
base/headquarters_trucks Trucks Camion
base/headquarters_upgrade Upgrade Migliora
base/headquarters_upgrade_value_required {0} value required {0} quota richiesta
base/headquarters_value Value Valore
base/heat.item#DisplayName Heat Calore
base/ Heating plant Fabbrica
base/heavy_diesel_engine.research#DisplayName Heavy diesel engine Locomotive diesel pesanti
base/heavy_diesel_engine_2.research#DisplayName Heavy diesel engine II Locomotive diesel pesanti II


User avatar Fredrik_Leftin

New translation

Voxel Tycoon / BaseItalian

Local prices
Prezzi locali
4 years ago
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English Italian
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Prices affected by headquarters built nearby the city.

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
it.strings.json, string 975