
Split by destination
Key English Spanish State
base/unit_selected 1 unit selected 1 unidad seleccionada
base/units_selected {0} units selected {0} unidades seleccionadas
base/unlimited Unlimited Ilimitado
base/unload Unload Descargar
base/unload_description Unload all cargo until there's empty storage Descargar toda la carga hasta que haya almacenamiento vacío
base/unloading Unloading Descargando
base/unlock_for Unlock for {0} Desbloquear para {0}
base/unpowered Unpowered Remolques
base/usd.currency#DisplayName USD USD
base/vacuum_tube.item#DisplayName Vacuum tube Tubo de vacío
base/valve.decoration#DisplayName Valve Válvula
base/vehicle Vehicle Vehículo
base/vehicle_longer_than_platform The platform is too short. Transferring cargo will take up to {0} more time. La plataforma es demasiado corta. La operación de carga llevará hasta {0} más tiempo.
base/vehicle_station_overview_dead_placeholder The station was destroyed La estación fue destruida
base/vehicle_station_overview_dead_placeholder_hint You can build a new one in the same spot to preserve existing orders Puedes construir una nueva en el mismo lugar para mantener las ordenes existentes
base/vehicle_station_overview_split_by_destination Split by destination Dividir por destino
base/vehicle_station_stats_items_processed Cargo processed Carga procesada
base/vehicle_station_stats_vehicles_serviced Vehicles serviced Vehículos atendidos
base/vehicle_unit_picker_multiple_mode_tooltip Add many units while holding <b>SHIFT</b> Agrega muchos vehículos mientras mantienes <b> MAYÚS </b>
base/vehicle_unit_picker_multiple_mode_tooltip_2 Release <b>SHIFT</b> to add units: Suelte <b> MAYÚS </b> para agregar unidades:
base/vehicle_unit_picker_placeholder Nothing found for filters set.
Try to loosen search criteria a bit.
No se ha encontrado nada para los filtros seleccionados. Intenta modificar los criterios de búsqueda.
base/vehicle_unit_picker_reset_filters Reset filters Reestabler filtros
base/vehicle_window_details_unit_storage_count {0} of {1} {0} de {1}
base/video Video Vídeo
base/view_distance View distance Distacia de visión
base/village Village Aldea
base/visibiltiy_settings_profits Profits Beneficios
base/vsync VSync VSync
base/waiting_for_full_load Waiting for full load Esperando carga completa
base/waiting_for_full_unload Waiting for full unload Esperando descarga completa
base/waiting_for_open_signal Waiting for open signal Esperando via libre
Key English Spanish State
base/vehicle_replacement_pause_all Pause all Pausar todo
base/vehicle_replacement_pick_replacee Pick what to replace Elige que reemplazar
base/vehicle_replacement_pick_replacee_placeholder There are no vehicles to replace No hay vehículos para reemplazar
base/vehicle_replacement_remove_all Remove all Eliminar todo
base/vehicle_replacement_remove_all_replacements Remove all replacements? Eliminar todos los reemplazos?
base/vehicle_replacement_select_routes Select routes Seleccionar rutas
base/vehicle_replacement_setup_replacement Set up a replacement Configurar un reemplazo
base/vehicle_replacement_start_new Start new replacement Iniciar nuevo reemplazo
base/vehicle_replacement_threshold Threshold: Límite:
base/vehicle_replacement_threshold_tooltip Replace only when the company has at least {0} of the replacement cost on its balance Reemplazar sólo cuando la empresa tenga al menos {0} del costo de reemplazo en su saldo
base/vehicle_replacement_window_placeholder No replacements are scheduled yet Aún no se han programado reemplazos
base/vehicle_schedule_traverse_order_back_and_forth Back and forth Ida y vuelta
base/vehicle_schedule_traverse_order_default Default Predeterminado
base/vehicle_station_overview_dead_placeholder The station was destroyed La estación fue destruida
base/vehicle_station_overview_dead_placeholder_hint You can build a new one in the same spot to preserve existing orders Puedes construir una nueva en el mismo lugar para mantener las ordenes existentes
base/vehicle_station_overview_split_by_destination Split by destination Dividir por destino
base/vehicle_station_stats_items_processed Cargo processed Carga procesada
base/vehicle_station_stats_vehicles_serviced Vehicles serviced Vehículos atendidos
base/vehicle_unit_picker_multiple_mode_tooltip Add many units while holding <b>SHIFT</b> Agrega muchos vehículos mientras mantienes <b> MAYÚS </b>
base/vehicle_unit_picker_multiple_mode_tooltip_2 Release <b>SHIFT</b> to add units: Suelte <b> MAYÚS </b> para agregar unidades:
base/vehicle_unit_picker_placeholder Nothing found for filters set.
Try to loosen search criteria a bit.
No se ha encontrado nada para los filtros seleccionados. Intenta modificar los criterios de búsqueda.
base/vehicle_unit_picker_reset_filters Reset filters Reestabler filtros
base/vehicle_unprofitable_warnings_frequency Unprofitable warnings Advertencias de no rentable
base/vehicle_unprofitable_warnings_frequency_30_days Every 30 days Cada 30 días
base/vehicle_unprofitable_warnings_frequency_60_days Every 60 days Cada 60 días
base/vehicle_unprofitable_warnings_frequency_never Never Nunca
base/vehicle_window_details_click_to_refit Click to refit Clica para reajustar
base/vehicle_window_details_unit_storage_count {0} of {1} {0} de {1}
base/vehicle_window_mute_unprofitable_notifications Mute unprofitable notifications Silenciar notificaciones de no rentables
base/vehicle_window_schedule_add_order Add order Añadir orden


User avatar Scailman

New translation

Voxel Tycoon / BaseSpanish

Split by destination
Dividir por destino
a year ago
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English Spanish
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String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
es.strings.json, string 921