
Front train car.

Vertebral train unit A
Key English Polish State
scm_vertebral_train/vtg_a.trainunit#DisplayName Vertebral train unit A
scm_vertebral_train/vtg_b.trainunit#DisplayName Vertebral train unit B
scm_vertebral_train/vtg_c.trainunit#DisplayName Vertebral train unit C
scm_vertebral_train/vertebral_train.trainrecipe#DisplayName Vertebral Train Goicoechea
scm_vertebral_train/vtg_depot.raildepot#DisplayName Vertebral train depot
scm_vertebral_train/vtg_station.railstation#DisplayName Vertebral train station
scm_vertebral_train/vtg_tunnel.railtunnel#DisplayName Vertebral train tunnel
scm_vertebral_train/vtg_beams.rail#DisplayName Vertebral train beams
scm_vertebral_train/vtg_chain_signal.chainrailsignal#DisplayName Vertebral train pre-signal
scm_vertebral_train/vtg_regular_signal.railsignal#DisplayName Vertebral train signal
scm_vertebral_train/vertebral_train.research#DisplayName Vertebral train system
scm_vertebral_train/vertebral_train.research#Description The vertebrate train of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria this vehicle required, by its own design, a track totally incompatible with the existing railway network, based on long concrete beams on which the composition supported by independent treads located on the sides of the vehicle and not in its lower part, as is usual in conventional trains or cars. According to its inventor, in this way it was achieved that the train was non-derailing, by placing the center of gravity in the same plane as the additional guide wheels and, therefore, the tipping torque was zero.
Key English Polish State
scm_vertebral_train/vertebral_train.research#Description The vertebrate train of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria this vehicle required, by its own design, a track totally incompatible with the existing railway network, based on long concrete beams on which the composition supported by independent treads located on the sides of the vehicle and not in its lower part, as is usual in conventional trains or cars. According to its inventor, in this way it was achieved that the train was non-derailing, by placing the center of gravity in the same plane as the additional guide wheels and, therefore, the tipping torque was zero.
scm_vertebral_train/vertebral_train.research#DisplayName Vertebral train system
scm_vertebral_train/vertebral_train.trainrecipe#DisplayName Vertebral Train Goicoechea
scm_vertebral_train/vtg_a.trainunit#DisplayName Vertebral train unit A
scm_vertebral_train/vtg_b.trainunit#DisplayName Vertebral train unit B
scm_vertebral_train/vtg_beams.rail#DisplayName Vertebral train beams
scm_vertebral_train/vtg_c.trainunit#DisplayName Vertebral train unit C
scm_vertebral_train/vtg_chain_signal.chainrailsignal#DisplayName Vertebral train pre-signal
scm_vertebral_train/vtg_depot.raildepot#DisplayName Vertebral train depot
scm_vertebral_train/vtg_regular_signal.railsignal#DisplayName Vertebral train signal
scm_vertebral_train/vtg_station.railstation#DisplayName Vertebral train station
scm_vertebral_train/vtg_tunnel.railtunnel#DisplayName Vertebral train tunnel


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English Polish
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Front train car.

String age
9 months ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
pl.json, string 1