Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
base/base_pack_description Check the Mod Browser in the main menu to extend the game with a variety of community-created content 查看主選單的 Mod 瀏覽器,使用社群創造的內容擴充遊戲
base/base_pack_title Base game 基本遊戲
base/game_ui_error_tooltip_header An error has occured. Click to reveal the log file. 發生錯誤。點選顯示日誌內容。
base/music Music 音樂
base/recipe_name {0} recipe {0} 配方
base/save_already_exists Save with the same name already exists. 已存在相同的檔案名稱。
base/unknown_station Unknown station 未知的車站
base/pack_browser_2 Steam Workshop
base/pack_browser_3 Expand Voxel Tycoon experience with loads of content made by the community, or even create something new by yourself and share it with other players!
base/storage_locked Locked 已鎖定
base/device_state_waiting_for_output_item Output is blocked 輸出端被擋住了
base/device_window_overview_producing Producing {0} of {1} 在 {1} 中生產 {0}