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base/nothing_found Nothing found
base/supporter_tooltip This is a real person!
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base/regular.conveyorconnector#DisplayName Output connector З'єднання
base/regular.conveyorconnector#input:DisplayName Input connector
base/release_from_garage Release from garage
base/setting_world_grid_step Grid step
base/signal_info Signals are imperative for safe operation of multiple trains on the same line. They divide sections of track into "blocks", and operate according to train movement, protecting occupied tracks and the trains on them. If the track protected by a set of block signals is occupied, they change to red and stop any other trains from entering until the block is clear. Сигнали потрібні для організації безпечного руху декількох потягів по одному шляху. Вони ділять шлях на сигнальні блоки. Якщо наступнний блок зайнятий потягом, то сигнал змінює свій колір на червоний та забороняє проїзд іншим потягам. В разі якщо блок вільний - сигнал горить зеленим, проїзд дозволено.
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_next_signal_distance Next signal: {0}
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_previous_signal_distance Previous signal: {0}
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_next_intersection_distance Next intersection: {0}
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_previous_intersection_distance Previous intersection: {0}
base/sort_by Sort by
base/sort_by_size By size
base/sort_by_name By name
base/sort_by_price By price
base/power_is_limited Maximum power output {0}
can't be reached due to lack of electrification
base/toggle_view Toggle view
base/vehicle_station_overview_split_by_destination Split by destination
base/rail_signal_builder_tool_signal_distance Distance to nearby signals
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_mine_step_4 You can tell if a building is in range of the station by looking on its color. If it has become vivid - you're golden!