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base/tutorials_getting_started_build_garage_step_3 Build the garage
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_garage_step_4 You can build a garage anywhere, but keep in mind that trucks will have to travel all the way from it to their destinations, it doesn't make much sense to build it far away from the mine.
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_garage_step_title Build a garage
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_mine_step You need to mine some resources so that you can sell them to customers in cities.
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_mine_step_1 Select {0} / {1} in the toolbar to see the available mines
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_mine_step_2 Select {0} in the opened window to start building
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_mine_step_3 Build the mine on the coal deposit
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_mine_step_4 Press {0} to rotate the building before construction.
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_mine_step_title Build a mine
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step In the same way, you will need to build a station near a customer in a city where you'll sell the mined coal.
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step_1 You can build a station over existing roads, if there is enough space.
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step_2 Select {0} / {1} in the toolbar to see the available stations
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step_3 Select {0} from the opened window to start building
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step_4 Build the station in range of the heating plant
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step_5 Press {0} to rotate the building before construction.
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_customer_step_title Build a station near customer
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_mine_step Now you need to build a station near the mine where trucks can be loaded with coal to deliver it to a customer - a heating plant.
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_mine_step_1 Select {0} / {1} in the toolbar to see the available stations
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_mine_step_2 Select {0} from the opened window to start building
base/tutorials_getting_started_build_station_near_mine_step_3 Build the station in range of the mine